10. Paradise Lost

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This chapter has been edited.


I'm from southern Texas and have a heavy southern accent, so read the following message in a southern accent. It's just better that way.


You are now two thirds the way there to the first signs of smut.

Oof it's gonna be a good ride.


Sam and Tucker were watching the monitors with their own headsets on, Maddie Fenton still didn't know that Tucker was using equipment that had sticky notes attached to it, but what she didn't know would hurt no one. He was not going to wash down his expertise just to make Maddie Fenton happy, he was there to find Danny and he would not allow the lack of permission to keep him from putting everything he had into finding his best friend

Currently, Tucker was in the process of turning on all the monitors while typing away on each of the five different keyboards. Allowing the two to be able to see what The Fenton's- plus Vlad- are seeing, and what they are not seeing, while they are in the sub. It was routine now; starting up all the computers and booting the radars every day after school. The Fenton's were always out looking for Danny by the time they got into the house and down to the basement, and this was the first thing that Tucker always did. He had done it so many times now almost every single day that he lost track of how much data he had eaten.

Tucker sat in front of five different monitors and watched resourcefully, careful not to give any indication to Maddie or Jack that he was using the equipment he wasn't permitted to. He was rational with his language, and sure to leave out anything that he can see from the equipment with the sticky notes.

Sam sat with a bowl of steamed rice with bell pepper and spinach stir fry as they watched the monitors together, answering questions anyone in the sub were to ask. She had offered Tucker some, but being the meat consumer that he is, he was passionate about ignoring vegetables.

Vlad's team consisted of 20 very arrogant professionals ranging from ages 30-49, and though neither Sam or Tucker liked Vlad at all and continued to question the man's true intentions and motives, they had to appreciate the help. They now had better equipment, a better submarine, and they now had dozens of people working to find Danny, the two couldn't be more grateful.

Tucker watched the heat signatures of the scuba divers that the radar recognized as humans, they could see how far each of them were from the sub as they swam down to the deeper parts the sub had never been able to look through.

"Dive successful, operation Daniel Fenton ago." the leader of the team said into the monitor. Tucker had only briefly met the guy, and he had to be the biggest and dumbest ass in America.

"Tucker, do you have all 20 divers electrical signature on the monitor?" Jazz asked as she adjusted the temperature of each of their suites, protecting them from freezing. The team of 20 men was split up into five smaller teams, so they could cover more ground quicker.

"I see them," Tucker answered, he had been given the task of tracking each of their suites, and if anything were to go wrong he was to hack their electrical circuits and send commands to the suite to evacuate the premises. 

Jazz nodded though she knew, or thought, that Tucker couldn't see it and monitored the diver's heart rates and body temperatures. "Agent M, you're moving too fast," she said into the agent's earpiece when she caught the elevated heart rate, "Your heart rate is spiking up and your temperature is rising. Slow down, partner."

"Copy," the African and bulky male said.

"Does anyone see anything yet?" Maddie asked, hopefully of a lead. They couldn't see any of the divers any more, they had all disappeared behind the rocks and the sub couldn't go any deeper without risking a wreck.

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