39. Trust

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Fun fact: Sirens have two forms. One form is the trap, where they are so beautiful that they can fully seduce a human with the help of the pheromones they excrete to hypnotize them. The other is the uglier form, which you briefly saw in chapter 2 when I described one of the mermaids having grey skin who looked more like death than a creature of beauty. That form is their true form, what they truly look like underneath their fair masks. They only change to their true form when they are pissed off or too hungry to keep up the facade.


"Well, your son's organs seem to be working fine and there doesn't appear to be any long term damage to his brain, and the carbon monoxide is completely out of his system now, so as soon as he wakes up you can go." The doctor told Jack Fenton, "He might have some minor symptoms like headaches or memory loss, but other than that, he should be fine."

Jack smiled and shook the doctor's hand, "Thanks, doc." He sat down in a chair by his unconscious son's bed and grabbed onto the hand that wasn't already being held by Sam on the other side of the raven teen.

Tucker stared down at his best friend's closed eyes, he looked so small in the hospital bed, younger than he was. Tired. Stressed.

It had only been 30 minutes since Danny was rushed to the emergency room, but it took another 2 and a half hours before any of them saw any sign of him waking up. A groan was the only thing they heard before his eyes started to twitch, and everyone around him watched in anticipation, waiting for those eyes to open. They expected him to be disoriented, confused, maybe even a little dizzy. What they weren't expecting, was for Danny to shoot up in a sitting position, completely coherent and aware of the fact that Phantom was not with them.

"Where's Phantom?" he asked immediately, searching around the room and then his body for his phone. Before anyone could even find the words to calm him down, he was already calling the merman.

"Don't panic, but none of us have heard from him, but don't worry; I'm sure he's okay," Tucker tried to tell him as he heard the sound of Phantom's phone ringing on the other end of the cell.

"How am I not supposed to panic at that?" Danny snapped with a grimace at Tucker, getting out of bed when the call went to voice mail. "I wanna get home. Right now," he said as he called again. Nerves were shooting up to his skull, and he was certain that the migraine wasn't just from getting electrocuted.

"Danny," his father tried to reason with his hands up as he watched his son pick up his wallet and shove it in his pack pocket, "you just woke up after nearly dying 3 hours ago, take it easy." he could hear when the call went to voicemail, and he started to worry a little. Phantom didn't always answer every call, but he always answered with Danny called.

Panic started to rush Danny, Phantom promised he would answer if he called. He promised. Something was wrong. He knew it in his gut, there was something very wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

When the third call went to voicemail, Danny nearly saw white, now acting on pure instinct. "You need to take me home. Right now." He was already out the door, his father and his friends forced to run to keep up with the raven.


The sound of his phone blaring somewhere in the bathroom was not enough to wake Phantom, nor was Danny's voice as it went to voicemail.

"Phantom? I've called you ten times, where the hell are you?" his voice sounded frantic, as if he was just a few breaths short of suffering a panic attack. "Are you home? Answer your fucking phone."

7 more calls came after that, but as Phantom sank deeper and deeper into sleep, all his muscles relaxed and he slipped further under the blood-red water. He felt like there was something he should be doing but thoughts of action were way too far away. Sleep sounded much... better.

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