The figure.....

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She immediately stopped short,who is that?she thought,there was something peculiar about this figure."i see you are on your way for training"the figure spoke,Emily gasped,as the figure dashed infront of her,so fast..i never saw it moving..Emily thought,

A boy with brown hair was cutting the skin off a stick ,he was sitting next to a tree.he was pretty quiet,busy with creating the perfect blade for his knife that broke after the battle with someone out of the ordinary,he remembered the colour of his eyes,it was pretty evil,"i will break you.."Moothan was pretty exhausted as he said those words, after the man insulted about his back ground,

"your petty clan of fire was worthless,in the battle between the force rayors,wasn't your father the one who was a coward that led the force rayors in danger?!"The man laughed in a mocking fashion,"shut up!"Moothan furiously took some hollow weapon from his pouch,"fire fielder!"he shouted,he ran to attack,producing fire from his knife,which was given by his father,or atleast which once belonged,

he jumped making a round circle,"you know,my fielder power of fire is nothing compared to normal fire,"he said quietly,

"i know,its your blood trait,Moothan is it?no matter how much wind's produced,it wouldn't blow the fire away,instead it only makes it stronger,but will it be defeated by my power of electricity?"At that moment he took two magnets,which was attached to both his arms,"Magnetic force!"he ranted,at that moment it repelled against each other,which produced strong electricity,

Moothan could not believe his eyes,as he was blown away by the force,several distances away,almost smashing next to a boulder,and  which was soo intense and strong that it broke his blade,"unbelievable is it?"the man smiled viciously,"actually it isn't in its full form,my power comes from my body.the nerve endings in mine actually produce the electricity,its descended from my scientific experiments,and not from my clan" with that the stranger disappeared,Then he heard a sound that seemed to be coming from behind the hill,he stood up,something's wrong,he thought,


"hello,"it was a girl,she looked pretty mysterious,with  onyx eyes and dark red hair,Emily felt a bit uneasy,"i am Jennifer,i have been observing you recently,i am pleased to meet you,"at that moment a black mosquito appeared on her shoulder,"uh..."Emily couldn't find words to say.her eyes was fixed to the mosquito,jennifer noticed this,"Oh,that's my friend macho,he is my little partner on the journey,"she was pretty hollow,a mosquito as a friend?!Emily freaked out in her mind,"its Emily uh..."she suddenly felt a bit tired and if being hypnotised..

"its Alia,princess of Skyxia,i want to be the wielder of getarok,to enter the fortress of doom,don't worry,some day i will try harddd..i will bee strongg.."her words were blurry,she was trapped in Jennifer's hypnotising power,Jennifer smiled,giggling silently,"you are now trapped in my power, i am from the clan which feeds on human blood.but i love blood from rayors who are strong,i knew you had it in you,you have pretty strong blood trait,i must feed on you,i suppose you don't need  to wield the getarok,because you are going to be the meal of the mosquito rayor,"she opened her mouth to reveal her long sticky tongue,my tongue is going to stick to your pretty neck until i drain off your precious blood..

Suddenly a knife was thrown in her direction,"what?!" she gasped,losing her hypnotising effect on Emily,Moothan was behind her,he narrowed his eyes,unfortunately jennifer ducked away from the blade,but that solely was the purpose,atleast the raven haired girl was safe,he thought,

"huh?"Emily came into being,what happened..? she noticed a boy looking directly at jennifer,and that girl did not look happy,"what were you trying to do?"Moothan eyed her grimly,

"huh?what do you mean?"it was emily who asked,what's going on?jennifer looked back at emily in a loss for words,"uh..i was just in troducing myself,a custom of the mosquito clan,it isn't everyday you meet an heir of skyxia ,one who had the ability to destroy getarok,oh in this case..finding it,"she said smiling cheekily,what is she talking about?Emily thought,she looked at the boy,he looks some what familiar,

"i am jennifer by the way,who are you?"she asked,moothan was vaguely observing Emily,she is from the clan of violet,the clan which won against the battle between force rayor and force fielder,he thought,and then outward he hissed at jennifer,"i have no interest in your jibberish."he ran towards Emily who looked astonished to see him,suddenly remembering the boy who rescued her from the cage,"moothan.."she said softly,he seemed quite surprised when she knew his name,but he took her hands and they escaped,atleast away from there,"i don't trust her"he told,to no one in particular,

"i could have fought her,but i am already draining the energy from the last battle,that fire takes up a lot of my personal essence to be produced,he thought,Emily was in awe at the boy infront of her,"hey,where are you taking me?"she asked,Moothan replied,"anywhere but away from there"

what?then she stopped on her tracks,"why?what did she do?we were just talking.."wait...we actually weren't.i mean i only said my name,she looked shocked,after that i couldn't remember,

"so now you know,"he observed her,"you were being hypnotised little girl,i don't know but i knew she was going to do something nasty,she did say she was of the mosquito clan,"they were several yards away from the hill,WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME A LITTLE GIRL?!I AM A FULL FLEDGED TEENAGER!she screamed inside her head,"its Emily,"

"huh?"he was confused,as he tried to walked away,"my name is Emily,i know who you are,you are moothan right?the boy who have the ability to blow fire?"

he narrowed his eyes,"how do you know that?"

"you once saved me when i was locked in a cage,a few years ago,"she replied,at that moment he  remembered that incident,"oh,you are the girl from the castle,"she is a royal?he thought,i wonder why she was locked up in the first place,then Emily smiled brightly,"thank you,for saving me that day,i wanted to thank you at that night too,but you disappeared,he smirked at that reply,"whatever,"then he turned to leave,"you don't belong in a cage anyways,we have to be free,"he said this so quietly that Emily thought if he was reminiscing his past,then she remembered,"OH DAMN IT!i am going to be late for my rayon training!"she grabbed her head in both arms as she scrammed away from there,i will meet you some day,she thought of Moothan,hopefully,


"Moothan hm?"jennifer told silently as she looked at the sky,"he certainly looked cute,"she smiled as she walked away from the hill,i wonder how his blood would taste like?he seemed pretty strong isn't it Macho?she asked the little insect which was on her right shoulder,it nodded,"yes,mistress",

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