I love him

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He pulled me into a tight hug and whispers into my ear.

"You look amazing!" I smiled at him and Ally came out.

"Ready?" She asked us all. We nodded and headed to Hunters car.

"I'm driving!" Daniel yelled.
"Shotgun!" Ally yelled.

"Guess your stuck with me!" I said.

"I'm fine with that." Hunter said. We got in the car and started driving. It didn't take long to get there. We pulled up and walked into a amazing restaurant. The waiter brought us to our table and we ordered our drinks.

"So why are we doing this?" I asked Ally.

"Just felt like doing something nice!" Ally said.

"Btw me and you are taking a Uber home and the boys are driving home." Ally said. I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my drink. After dinner me and Ally got in the Uber and headed home.

"So I need to ask you something very important. Do you like my brother?" Ally asked. I started panicking.

"What n-no!" I said and tried avoiding eye contact.

"Y/N I see how you look at him and your blushing so you do! Can you just admit it? I fully support you!" Ally said. I sighed.

"Fine yes Ally I do like your brother. I'm sorry but I love him and I can't stop thinking about him. But nothing is going to happen he doesn't like me." I said slumping down in my seat.

"We will see about that." Ally whispered. The rest of the car ride was quiet. I didn't know what to say to Ally my bestfriend who's brother I am in love with. I am in 8th grade he is in 10th grade. I knew for a fact he doesn't like me. I am just a little annoying friend of his sister. I will never be good enough for him. We pulled up to the house and I just ran to my bedroom. I lied on my bed and fell asleep. Not even bothering to change I just fell asleep.

Hunter's POV

The door swung open and Y/N ran past us straight to her room. I was scared. I didn't know what was happening to her. I was about to run after her. until I heard Ally call my name.

"Wait Hunter I need to show you this." Ally said taking out her phone. Her, Daniel and I huddled into the kitchen and watched the video off of Ally's phone.

"Fine yes Ally I do like your brother. I'm sorry but I love him and I cant stop thinking about him. But nothing is going to happen he doesn't like me." Y/N said and the video cut off. I couldn't believe it. There was my reason. I could finally tell Y/N I loved her and not be scared to be rejected. I looked up at Ally and Daniel who had the biggest smile on their faces.

"What are you waiting for go get the girl of your dreams dude!" Daniel yelled. I ran upstairs and walked into Y/N room. She was fast asleep on her bed. I sat down next to her on her bed and tucked a piece of hair behind ear. 

"Y/N I have loved you forever. I want you to know that you truly mean the world to me and I never want to lose you. I promise that I will always protect you and be with you. I have ever loved somebody so much in my life. You make me smile even in the darkest days. You make my day. I love seeing you and I hope and pray that by the end of tomorrow I can officially call you mine. Sleep good angel tomorrow is going to be a big day." I said to Y/N. I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I was going to tell Y/N! I was going to finally have the girl of my dreams all to myself.

Tomorrow and in your pov

I woke up to a loud crash outside. I jump up and peek outside my window. Dark black clouds circled around for miles and the only light was the often lighting bolt cracking across the sky. I loved bad weather it always made me feel calm. I walk downstairs and heat up hot coco. I look at my clothes and I am still wearing my dress. I head back to my room to change. I throw on camo sweatpants and I black tank top. I walk back to the kitchen and greet everyone. The weather station clicks on and says we will be under flood watch for the rest of the day.

"OK rainy day yall know the drill!" Ally yells. Every rainy day we open the hall closet. Inside is lots of games and blankets and pillows and food. However we can only use this stuff during rainy days. Me and Daniel get to work on building a fort while Ally and Hunter prepare the food and emergency kit in the kitchen.

Ally's POV

So did you tell her last night?" I whispered to Hunter. 

"I couldn't she was sleeping but I plan on telling her today I just don't know when." He whispered back.

"You better hurry dude." I whispered while walking to the freezer to put glow sticks up.

Hunter and I head back to the living room with bowls of junk in our hands. Daniel just finished connecting his computer to the screen in case we lose signal. he turns on Netflix. 

"What to watch ?" Daniel said.

"To all the boys I once loved!" Y/N says. We nod in agreement as that is me and Y/N go to movie. It plays and we all get into seats.

Your POV

Everyone has been acting weird this morning but I didn't really mind. Daniel moved over to Ally and Hunter sat next to me. I was so glad he didn't know I liked him. If he did that would make things so weird and I would never be able to look at him or talk to him again. Knowing that he didn't like me. I snuggled into his chest and put his arm around my shoulder. I loved this so much. I loved being super close to the boy I love. Ally and Daniel were whispering to each other but I could barely hear anything. Daniel pushed Hunter in the arm roughly and pointed to me and then Hunter again. Hunter let out a deep sigh and then nodded. I started panicking.

"Y/N I need to tell you something." Hunter says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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