Chapter 1

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I can't forget her, I still love her madly like the first day I met her. I remember the smell of her hair, that shine so unique in her eyes, the softness and the sweet smell of her skin. . . every detail of it I remember perfectly.

Although she is with someone else I still feel like her man, I will never find another woman like her, I prefer to keep writing songs about her rather than being with someone else.


Shannon: Ok John is everything for today.

John: Thank you very much Shannon, see you next week.

Shanon: Ok, see you soon.

*Shannon is my personal therapist, and it has helped me a lot. This time I told him that I still felt like his man* ,

John: I'm going crazy, I need to tell her that I still love her, I don't care if she's already with someone else, I love her!

-Suddenly, an idea came to my mind, maybe others see it as something stupid or cowardly, but somehow she will know that I love her and miss her. So I just took my guitar, paper, pencil and started writing-

John: I'm tired, it's already more than midnight but what I just wrote sounds like a great song so I'll go to the studio as soon as possible to start everything.

-- Turn off the light in my living room, take my things, go up to my room and take a quick shower, all afternoon I wrote about it, finished showering I dressed in my sleepwear and set my alarm at 7:00 a.m. I'm afraid because the more time passes the more I feel that I'm losing it. I just hope that what I'm about to do really works, I know that my fans, as well as her fans will know what I'm doing, the press will interview me and it will rain questions of all kinds on me,
but none of this matters to me, if I have to go and get her personally to her house and kneel before her and ask her to forgive me so she can return with me, I will do it. She changed my life, I want to spend the rest of my life with her and form our family... Many thoughts filled my mind until I fell asleep --


I know that to be the first chapter is something short. But don't be discouraged, little by little the story will get more and more interesting.

Don't forget to vote for the chapter, leave your comment and share the fanfic 😊

- Muffin 💖

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