Chapter 4

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Katy: NUGGET . . . ¿WHER ARE YOU? . . . NUGGET!!!

-- As soon as nugget heard my voice she came running towards me --

Katy: Come on little Nugget, we will go to the studio to continue with the recordings of my album and you will go with me

-- Nugget just moved his tail, I was quite happy, so I took my iPhone and walked with Nugget to the door where Tamra was waiting for me --

Tamra: Come on Katy, Taylor Taylor is already here with the van

Katy: I'm ready Tamra

-- We got into the van and asked Taylor to take us to the studios of Capitol Records, he just said yes with his head and he started to drive. I take my iPhone, I put my headphones, look for the song of John and close your eyes. I was so happy until Tamra interupted me. . . --

Tamra: Earth calling Katy, Earth calling Katy, Answer Katy

Katy: What's wrong Tamra?

Tamra: Hey Katy we're here

Katy: Sorry Tamra

Tamra: If I did not know you so well, I would say that John's new song drives you crazy

Katy: What things you say Tamra!

Tamra: I only say what I see.

Katy: Better you have to get off there is a lot of work to do

-- We got out of the truck, entered and left the staff. We take the elevator to go to my office. We reached the floor where my office was located and when I was about to enter my manager and good friend Bradford saw me arrive --

Bradford: Hello Katy I like to see you again.

Katy: Hi Brad,

Bradford: Tell me what you do around here.

Katy: I want to continue working on my album, today I woke up in a mood like no other and I feel inspired to continue writing songs.

-- In that I hear Tamra whisper. --

Tamra: If you only knew who put it like that. . .

Katy: TAMRA!

Bradford: What did you just say, Tam?

Katy: Don't pay attention to her, sometimes she talks to herself.

Bradford: OK Katy, I have to go to a meeting and I'm late.

Katy: Ok, it was great to see you

Bradford: Me too, bye

Katy y Tamra: Bye

--Apenas Bradford salio le lanze una mirada a Tamra que conocia bastante bien --

Tamra: What do you want Katy?

Katy: Tam you realize what just happened.

Tamra: Yes

Katy: Don't do it again, I don't want rumors to start. You know how the press is.

Tamra: Ok Katy, you calm you know that I do it only to bother you.

Katy: 🙂🙂🙂

-- It was a very special day for me, it was not just another day of work, it was special because the simple fact of listening to John's voice once again made me feel special. . . . --

Katy: It can not be, as it is that until now I realize

Tamra: What's up Katy!

Katy: Listen to this.

Tamra: It's just John's song that you've been listening to all morning

Katy: Yes, I know but listen to this specific part.

You be the DJ, I'll be the driver
You put your feet up in the getaway car
I'm flying fast like a, a wanted man
I want you, baby, like you can't understand

Tamra: OMG

Katy: Now you understand me!

Tamra: No 😂

Katy: One day I was late and I was here in the studio and to not call the attention of the press I called Taylor to pick me up, and when the truck arrived I immediately got on and to my surprise it was not Taylor . . .

Tamra: Let me guess . . . It was John

Katy: Exact. As soon as I look at it, I pass into the passenger seat, as I always wonder how it went and he noticed I was exhausted so he told me to relax, and to make me feel better he told me to raise my feet and then I put some music and he took me to the house.

Tamra: What you want to say is that. . .

Katy: Exact Tamra! Everything makes sense now.

It makes sense?

-- I was shocked when I saw it, I did not expect to see it in my office --



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- Muffin 💖

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