Chapter 5

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What happens?

--I was shocked when I saw him, I did not expect to see him in my office, he would have listened to my conversation with Tamra? --

Tamra: Some crazy ideas that came to Katy's mind for when she starts her tour

Orlando: Katy, don't you think it's too early for that?

Katy: Of course not, the sooner I organize everything, the better it will be. By the way, what are you doing here?

Orlando: You don't remember? Today we are going to have dinner.

--Shit, I spent all day thinking about John and forget it completely --

Orlando: Katy, did you forget it?

Katy: Of course not Orlando, just that it's still a bit early. Just look at me. . . .

Orlando:That's not a problem, You take a shower, and I wait for you in the living room.

Katy: Okay, I just fix some things and we're going

Orlando: As you say so, I'll wait for you down in the van

Katy: Ok

-- Orlando gave me a small kiss on my cheek and left  --

Katy: That was close

Tamra: Too much, and how is this that you're going to dine with Orlando today?

Katy: I forgot it completely

Tamra: And I think I know why...

Katy: Don't keep going and let's go before Orlando returns again.

Tamra: You're right and I don't want to be discovered talking about you already know who

Katy: Yes, let's go now.

-- Take my things and I went with Tamra, we got into the truck and Orlando took us to the house. We talk about meaningless things until we arrive. We entered the house and Tamra told me that I would go to rest in her bedroom, Orlando stayed in the living room and I went up to my room to take a shower and get ready for dinner --

Katy: You're home, I'll just take a quick shower and we'll go.

Orlando: Ok Katy here I wait for you.

-- It took me only 10 minutes to shower, as soon as I finished I dressed, I applied some cream on my feet and hands, I left my hair loose, I put on a little makeup, I took my bag and before going down I looked to the mirror when I suddenly remembered him --


John: Katy, are you ready?

Katy: Ready for what?

John: I'll take you to dinner, you've worked hard and you need to rest.

Katy: But John just look at me, I don't think we have time to go home, get ready and go to dinner

John: Katy, if you were in pajamas, I would take you anywhere, no matter how you look, I love you

Katy: That's why I love you John

John: So, are we going?

Katy: Yes let's go

-- We gave each other a little kiss, kept all my things and went to dinner --

 End of the flashback

Katy: But what's wrong with me? I love Orlando, but everything I lived with John. . . I will never forget that

Orlando: Katy are you ready? it's getting late

Katy: Yes I'm going

-- I took my iPhone and went down to the room where Orlando was waiting for me --

Orlando: You look beautiful Katy

Katy: You too Orlando, that suit looks very good on you.

Orlando: Well, it's time to go. You will love the place

Katy: Well, let's go

-- We got into the van and Orlando drove to the restaurant. Neither of us said anything, all the way we both remained silent. But I kept thinking about why right now I remember him, because right now I'm with Orlando I have the need to feel loved as John was with me, Orlando is cute but not in the same way as John and now with his song just released I think I know what is plot... -



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- Muffin 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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