Chapter 3

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November 17, 2016 

** Katy **

I took my cell phone and looked at the time, it was 8 in the morning, I went to Twitter and the first thing I saw was a picture of John with the heading "John Mayer releases new music"as soon as I look at his name I couldn't help but smile like a fool, he looked really handsome in the photo, I was very impressed by the title of his song,I didn't want to buy the song on iTunes because Orlando occasionally takes my iPhone without me noticing and didn't want me to find his music, so I better go to YouTube and look for the song...

Katy: You did it again John, the lyrics, the music, I loved everything.

-- I couldn't stop listening to the song, I repeat it again and again --

** Tamra **

I was preparing Katy's breakfast when I suddenly heard her sing, so I decided to put breakfast in her bedroom and find out why she woke up in such good humor.


Katy: Come in

Tamra: Here is your breakfast Katy

Katy: Thanks Tamra

Tamra: What do you hear, Katy? From the kitchen I hear you sing very happy.

Katy: Really?

Tamra: Yes Katy, tell me what it is that makes you so happy

Katy: A new song by John 

Tamra: ¿John? ¿John Mayer?

Katy: Yeah

Tamra: But, I thought that between you and him...

Katy: I know Tamra, I just took my cell phone, I went to Twitter and the first thing I saw was the news from John and I couldn't help listening to his song.

Tamra: Well you look pretty happy, the last time I saw you smile was when you went out to dinner with Orlando.

-- I did not answer Tamra, because she was right. The last time she saw me happy was when I went out to dinner with Orlando and he asked me to be a couple. Although we make video calls and see each other sometimes my happiness is not the same --

Tamra: Why don't you say anything Katy?

Katy: Because you're right, since that dinner with Orlando, my happiness is not the same.

Tamra: I'm sorry Katy, it was not my intention

Katy: Don't worry Tamra, We will have breakfast together and later you will accompany me to the studio.

Tamra: Ok Katy

-- We had breakfast in my bedroom while I continued with the music of John at full volume, as soon as we finished Tamra took the dishes to the kitchen and I took a shower, I left the shower and I dressed in a black adidas outfit and went down to the kitchen --

Tamra: Are you ready Katy?

Katy: Yes, call the driver and I go by Nugget.

Tamra: Ok Katy



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- Muffin 💖

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