chapter 3

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heyy I updated twice in a week do you love me

    I was running through a dark hallway and I head footsteps behind me. I kept running trying to escape but the hallway seemed to never end. suddenly I ran into a wall and I turned around. there was a dark figure with a knife. before I could protest,or even scream, I felt the knife plunge into my stomach. I woke up sweaty and panicked. thank god it was just a dream. it was also 11:30 and I had to meet Michael for lunch at noon. I hopped out of bed into the bathroom.



    after I had showered I looked into my closet. I picked out some gray jeans and a black sweater. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my purse. Just as I was about to leave the house,there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and there was Michael. He looked really nice,he was wearing really tight black jeans and a white shirt. "Hey! you look really nice" he said. "thanks,you look good too" I complimented.

   his car was at the end of my driveway.

he walked around and opened my door for me. he got in the other side and started the car. "hey sorry you couldn't really meet all my friends last night. Michael said. "they were busy. But we are having a band practice tomorrow and I was wondering if you would like to come?"

    "oh,I didn't know you were in a band!" I said.

    "yeah,we're called 5 seconds of summer.

   "well,I would love to come." I agreed.

         "great,I can't wait"

  we arrived at the cafe and walked in together. the intoxicating smell of coffee drifted through the air,making my stomach rumble.

     we got up to the counter and I ordered a caramel macchiato. He got a mint frappe.

      we sat down at our table to wait for our order to be called. "so how long have you been in a band?" I asked.

"Since 2010" he said with a proud smile.

    "order for Michael and Amanda" the Batista called.

   Michael walked up to the counter and got our drinks for us.

   "alright so so I told you about myself now it's your turn". I said

Well I moved out of my parents house last month and I'm living in the flat with all my mates from the band and we're  kind of just going day by day now. Michael stated.


   We were back in his car and he was driving me home.  "Well I had a nice time today Amanda. Michael smiled

"As did I"

   we were on the front steps of my house.

   "OK,don't forget about the band practice tomorrow "

  "oh! right,what time should I be there?

   "No worries,I'll come and get you."

"okay,great" I said.

   Michael suddenly placed a kiss on my lips. I was shocked for a second but then I kissed back. I felt like I had been electrocuted but In a good way.

  He pulled back and his cheeks were a deep red.

   "sorry,I shoul'n-"

No,it was fine. I interrupted him.

I kissed his cheek and said goodbye.

After I got inside, I felt like there was a swarm of butterflies in my tummy.

    I really liked him.



I hope you guys like it,I'm pretty proud of this chapter.

  can I get 3 comments and 5 votes? maybe?

   love ya lots like jelly tots

-A xx

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