chapter 11

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Two weeks had passed since the day I arrived and I was starting to pick up on how things ran around here.

Thankfully, Jake hadn't tried to kiss me again and I managed to have a few conversations with him without feeling any awkward tension.

Slowly, I started warming up to Jakes friends. Skye and I began talking and I realized that we had a lot in common even though we grew up in completely different worlds.

Every night I would meet Skye in the pool room and we would talk for hours while swimming and lazily sitting on the edge of the large hottub. She informed me that there was nothing going on between her and Jake, but that the love they had for eachother was more like a sibling love. They were good friends, but there was nothing romantic going on between them. Apparently she had liked him for a long time about two years ago, but he told her that he had his heart set on another and that they were better to stay friends. Sometimes, even now, I am led to wonder if Skye really did like Jake as only a friend, or if there was a small part of her that still hoped he would change his mind, but I trusted her and I knew she would tell me right away if anything happened between the two of them. What else were our hottub chats for besides gossiping, and telling eachother all our deepest secrets?

After Skye and I spend an hour of alone time and girl talk, the rest of the group would almost always come and we would all hang out together. It felt nice to be included with them because, if it wasn't for them, I'd be all alone most of the time.

Caden and I continued to grow closer and he even offered to teach me how to fight with real iron weapons. Obviously I couldn't decline! I was really excited to learn so Jake couldn't throw me aside during a fight again.

As I opened the door which lead down towards the large training room, I smiled to myself. I never expected to make such good friends on this trip, especially not with Skye or Caden.

"There she is!" Caden smirked when he saw me and sent me a wink. He was such a flirt but it made my day. It wasn't like he actually liked me, he just had a very flirty personality which always seemed to make me laugh.

I smiled back at him and waved. "I'm here," I replied with fake enthusiasm.

"Are you ready for this?" Caden asked

"Oh you know I am," and with that he began teaching me. We were halfway through the lesson, and Caden had me pinned underneath him for the hundredth time.

"I'm really bad at this aren't I?" I ask while I'm trying hard to stop myself from laughing as his huge body gently crushes mine. I knew he wasn't putting his full weight on me because, if he was, I for sure would be smooshed into a pancake already.

"I've seen worse," he joked around but when I looked up, I realized how close we were. His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his hot breath tickle my skin. He realized right after I did, because his laughter stopped and he began looking intently at me.

Neither of us spoke. I felt his face begin to lean closer to mine slightly and I panicked just like I had with Jake. I liked Caden, but as a friend. I didn't want to ruin our friendship which we had just began. I felt guilty and turned my head to look away from him, meanwhile he still had me pinned underneath him. 

"What the hell?" A deep voice echoed as I hear stomping footsteps coming closer. Caden shot up off me and kneeled on the ground, revealing the figure storming towards us.

"It's not what it looks like," Caden quickly said. I froze. Of course it had to be Jake.

I felt guilty for some reason. Nothing happened between Caden and I, but it could have and seeing Jake's fuming face left me feeling uneasy.

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