The Heartbreaker

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Flashback two years ago

He does this on purpose just like everything else he has ever done to me. Broken my heart countless times. Yet I still go running back like nothing ever happened. When in reality everything happened. The sad thing is, is I always find myself thinking about the good times, but not this time. This time I find myself sitting on the California beach watching the sunset as the waves crash into the sandy shore. Just like my heart breaking slowly as the sets break into the sand. Just like that everything hits me. I can't keep letting myself live in the past of something that happened three years ago. Alls I did was see him at the club tonight with his new girlfriend right there with him. I knew it would happen one day. You know see him. I just can't seem to get over the fact that his tour broke us apart. Or the fact that my best friend stayed by his side because of her boyfriend instead of mine. The one feeling that comes to mind now is betrayed, and that night is the night I made the biggest decision in my life. The night I decided to move to Florida.

End of flashback

"Jamie!" I yell at her in the hallway of our apartment complex.

"(Y/N)!" She screams back giving me a big hug.

"I've missed you so much." I say as I hug her tighter. You remember all the friends who betrayed me in Cali? Well each and everyone of them has been replaced to a point.

"How was vacation with your brother and sister in law?" She asks giving me a pained expression.

"One word HORRIBLE!" I say dramatically as she laughs.

"Did you see him or any of them while you were there?" She asks while giving me a quizative look. Well as you already know I was just on vacation, and well it was in California.

"I saw all of them my last day there."

"Where!?" She asks acting like the typical drama queen I call my best friend.

"On the beach surfing." I say really wanting to go surf now.

"Let me guess you want to go surf now to take your mind off of it?"

"Oh you know me so well." I say giggling. When I first moved to Florida I didn't know how to surf even though I owned a board and everything it never got used, and that my friends is how I met Jamie. Shes the one who taught me, and now when something's bothering me I don't just there and watch the waves I'm on them.

"Go get changed I'll meet you down at the beach in ten." She says turning around and walking into her apartment. Well beings I have ten minutes to get everything together and meet her I dig out my new bikini. Its the perfect shade of teal with purple cheetah print on it. After I put that on I grab my favorite board its turquoise with a rip curl symbol in the middle of it. Anyways I walk down to our usual meeting spot right where the sand and concrete meet. Thats where I saw them all of them without Lauren. All of the foolish four boys. What are they doing here? I think to myself as Jamie walks up to me.

"You ready?" I ask her as Austin looks my way giving me a sad smile.

"Yeah lets go show the surf team up again!" She shouts as all of the boys look up to see me.

Austins' POV

"Wasn't she just back in Cali?" Alex asks me when he sees (Y/N).

"Yeah and she's learned to surf apparently on the board I bought her right before we left for the tour." I say giving him a sad look.

"Austin go talk to her. I know you really want too." He says making little kissing sounds in my direction.

"You're right I do, but I don't know how she is going to react seeing me." I say pushing him over into the sand.

"Not nice Austin you left her remember?" He says as we both look over at (Y/N) and her friend out in the water.

"Austin you need to go talk to her I miss my best friend." Lauren says as Alex pulls her into his side.

"Well you are the one who told her you wanted nothing to do with her you loved Alex and wouldn't leave him just because we broke up." I tell her picking up my board.

"Austin please just do it. We all know you regret leaving her." Zach says as I turn to walk in the direction they are surfing.

(Y/N)s POV

"Jamie he's coming this way." I say as we both relax in the water talking.

"Girl you need to talk to him so you can fully get over him." She says paddling back to the shore. Great alone with Austin joy. I think to myself as he comes up next to me.

"Hey its been awhile." Austin says as I give him a small smile trying not to cry.

"What do you want Austin? To break my heart some more? Because it seems like thats all you ever want to do." I say as the tears reach the brim of my eyes.

"Hey don't cry I know you've done enough of that because of me. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the heartbreak I've caused you. When I know you've been the one I've loved all along, and I miss you more than anything." He says giving me one last look saying he's sorry and turning to paddle away.

"Austin wait." I say not know what I'm doing. Oh wait caving like I do every time.

"Yeah?" He asks turning his head looking back at me.

"I love you so much even after everything you've done to me." I say as the tears start to fall while he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Really?" He asks coming back to me cupping my face wiping the tears from my cheeks.


"Will you take me back?" He asks as hope lights up his face.

"I will, but we have to take things slow this time." I say biting my bottom lip fighting a small off my face.

"Well Miss. (Y/N) may I kiss you?" He asks trying to be someone from the old days.

"Yes you may kind sir." I say giggling and smiling at him until its cut off by his soft lips, and all our friends cheering from the shore.

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