Marry Me

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"Marry me." Is the last thing that I can remember before I woke up to an empty bed because my boyfriend Austin isgone on tour.
"I can't believe it's been two months since he's been gone." I say out loud to myself as the phone starts to ring in the other room.
Phone conversation
"Austin!" I say with a huge smile on my face.
"Can you do me a favor?"
"Anything." I tell him holding the tears back even though you can hear them in my voice.
"Walk outside."
"Okay?" I ask turning my head to the side like a lost puppy even though he can't see it.
"(Y/N) just do it." He says as I open the front door and see him standing there.
"Austin your back!" I say jumping in his arms and kissing him.
"Tour finished early and boy am I glad it did I missed you." He says kissing me again while picking up his stuff walking into the house.
"Austin actually we need to talk." I say as Fox jumps on the bed next to me.
"Do you love me or has it all been a lie?"
"Babe where is this coming from?"
"Ever since you left for tour I've been having this dream that you didn't love me anymore and we have this same fight when you come home and I never found out how it ended."
"(Y/N) do you really think I would leave you when I love you more than anything?"
"I don't know." I say fighting back the tears as Fox jumps up and licks me across the face making me giggle.
"Baby look at me." He says tilting my chin up to make me look at him as Marry Me by Bruno Mars starts playing out of nowhere.
"Austin where is that coming from?" I ask as he starts to lean in closer.
"Marry me." He says as I kiss him on the lips.
"Can I take that as a yes."
"Yes." I say as he pushes me down on the bed kissing me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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