Dinner Date

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Austin's POV

"Look at her Austin is she up to your standerds?" Alex asks jokingly pushing me sideways.

"Actually yeah she is." I say looking at the blonde haired girl standing at the vending machine infront of us.

"Well I mean you could always oh I don't know go talk to her." He says as she looks over at us giving me a shy smile then looking away.

"You think I actually have a chance with her?" I ask as he gives me the are you crazy expression.

"I knew you were a idiot, but I didn't think you were this big of one. Obviolsy she likes you." He says as

she looks over at us again.

"Okay I'll go talk to her." I say letting confidence kick in.

(Y/N)s POV

Oh my god he's walking over here. Yes! Maybe dying my hair paied off I mean of course it did he's walking over to me.

"Hi I'm Austin." He says giving me a smile as I bite my bottom lip in return.


"Hey you're really cute and I'm really cute, so would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" He asks as I mentally laugh at his corny pick up line.

"Actually I would love too."

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now