Best Friends Brother.

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He's my best friends brother. I could never do this to Alex. I know him and Austin arent actually brothers, but they are close enough to be. I knew the moment I laied eyes on him that I had to have him. He's perfect in everyway for me, but according to Alex he's off limits. Even if he would make me happy. I wonder if we can get away with doing this behind his back? "(Y/N) whats going through that pretty little head of yours?" Austin asks brining his face closer to mine. "Oh just some stuff." I say leaning in closing the distance between us letting my lips touch his soft ones. Lets just say this kiss was amazing. I felt sparks all over my body as his lips grazed over mine. What was meant to be just a sweet little kiss turned into him pushing me on my back only for Alex to ruin the moment. "What the hell!? I leave the room for twenty minutes and this is what I come back to?" Alex yells as a smile slowly creeps onto his face.

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now