Lemon jurard n frnk n all dose kool ppl went 2 go get mikey back.
Dey found out tht miky actslly was a femail. Was a v weyrd day.
Dey went 2 old abdonond warehosue bc thts whrer most ppl r cept hiden.
"KAKAWAKACHOWWWW!" Screechd jurard as he karaet chopd all da bad guis.
Den der was da ultimat bad gui... NAMD SQUIDGY FALALLA! Squidgy screemd and cryde "BATTUL!!" Then all of his monions caym owt n dey attckd da guys. Der was an austin csrlile, a petur wents, annnnnnnnnnnnnnddddd................................................................................................. ULIVAr SYKS !!!
Ulivar startd to sing and his magikul sinng voyce made da guys do everyting dat he wantd but jurard knoo wot 2 do....
He startd 2 sing back n den evry1 but mikey ray frnk and himself dyed!! Dey all escapd.
Den dey hedded back to los vages n get gamblng mony.