Chapter 14

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Both Scorpio and Pisces looked over and saw Virgo and Aries, holding hands.
Pisces blushed, embarrassed that they saw her with Scorpio and the fact that Virgo was Scorpio's ex- girlfriend.

"Yes, you are." Scorpio glared at Aries.

"Hey, no need to get either up about it. We just want to know where the others are." Aries appeared to be calm which surprised Pisces. Had he finally gotten over her?

"They're somewhere in this mansion. Screw off." Pisces shot Scorpio a look of slight anger.

"No really? I thought-" Aries was cut off by Scorpio.

"If you won't leave, then we will." Scorpio picked Pisces up bridal style and walked away leaving an uncomfortable silence between Aries and Virgo.


"I can't believe that idiot! He's too protective over Pisces." Aries ranted on and on to Virgo. She only listened.

"I mean, they don't like each other that much... Do they?" They looked at each other, pain striking both of their hearts. They were too close to losing their love interest.

"I think so..." Virgo bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows. A small fire of hatred towards Pisces grew.

"How can we get them alone?" Aries questioned.

"When they come back from the restroom?" Aries thought for a second.

"Yeah that could work. Hey," They both stopped and faced each other. "Why were you with Libra?... Alone?"

Virgo fidgeted with her hair. "Oh. N-nothing..."

"Hmm." Aries didn't trust her but tried to shrug it off anyways. Surely of couldn't have been anything too bad.

"Oh, here it is." Aries pushed open two doors leading to the Zodiac signs main area.

Everyone stared at Aries and Virgo holding hands. Libra smiled in approval.
They walked towards the couch and cuddled together. Sagittarius struggled to keep in her laughter.

"What's so funny Sagittarius?" Gemini poked her cheek.

"I, Hahaha, never thought, my stupid cousin would be with Virgo, Hahahahaha!!"

"Aries is your cousin?" Everyone stared at her.

"Yes, unfortunately I'm related to that idiot." A few chuckles were heard around the room.

"I can feel the love over here!" Capricorn yelled from the kitchen. Aquarius rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Hey, did you guys see Scorpio and Pisces?" Cancer asked.

"No." Virgo wasn't surprised that he lied. She would have said the same thing.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Aries kissed Virgo's cheek. "I'd like to be alone with Virgo." Cancer stared at them, confused how Virgo, such a nice girl, ended up with him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."


"You can put me down now, I'm not a child." I folded my arms and pouted in Scorpio's arms.

"I know, but I prefer it this way." Scorpio nuzzled his head in my shoulder making me blush.

"O-ok. Where are we going?" I looked around, unfamiliar of my surroundings.

"To be honest, I have no clue." Scorpio stopped walking and just stood there holding me.

"You're testing my love for you."

"You can't leave even if you wanted to." Scorpio smirked.

"It doesn't hurt to go on a walk I guess."

"If this is your excuse to run away from me, it's not going to work. Unless you hold my hand."

I stared blankly at Scorpio.

"In my entire time living back at the house, I would never have imagined how childish you could be." Scorpio let me out of his arms, gently onto the floor.

Suddenly, he took my hand and pinned then above me on the wall.

"What if I was more serious?" I stared into Scorpio's alluring eyes and blushed.

"Then I would become Virgo."

"Don't bring her up. Pisces you're worth so much more to me then anyone else. I value you more than my own life."

"Don't say that Scorpio."

"Why not?" I looked away from his eyes, unable to make eye contact anymore.

"Because you're making me seem better than I really am."

Scorpio slowly released his grip on my hand against the wall, keeping one to hold in his own while we walked.

"You're perfect to me, Pisces." Scorpio kissed my cheek.

I smiled and held his cheek as I kissed him on the lips.

"You're definitely not perfect, that's for darn sure." I joked.

"Then I'll become perfect for you." Scorpio rested his arm around my waist.

I blushed. How was he so good as romancing me?

Holy Hanananananananah! Right now my story has 1.05k reads!!! Thank you guys. So. Much.

Also, your comment make my day! Even if it says something completely random 😹

I'm going to do a little quiz thing and please comment, I love to know more about you guys! My answers will be below the questions.


1. What sign are you?
-I'm Pisces

2. What's your favorite color?
-Right now it's blue and a dark purple

3. Favorite game/movie?
-Legend of Zelda-Skyward Sword/ Castle in the Sky.

4. If you could date any sign ( Not line the signs on my story), which sign wind you date?
-... Scorpio or Taurus.

5. What are some positive words about you?
-Creative, Goofy, calm, dream(not how I look)

6. What state or part of the world do you live in?
-Arizona. It's hot but today was really nice weather because FALL IS COMING!!! YAS.

7. What are activities that you enjoy?
-Drawing, singing, playing the piano and ukulele, eating and going on walks with my friends.

8. Can you speak other languages?
-A little bit of French and Spanish 👌

Anywho, thank you guys so much! Pisces out♓

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