Chapter 8: A Date And An End

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The next day was Harry's birthday. Draco had gone out to get him a present and didn't return until late. While he was gone we had a late lunch for Harry, and Ginny and I brought out his cake. He loved it, saying that five layers is the best amount of layers. He opened all of his presents and said thank you to everyone.


Today is the first day of school at Hogwarts. It feels strange not going this year, but at the same time I'm relieved; it gets too hectic there sometimes and I'm just glad we don't have to deal with that again.

I open my eyes, feeling an arm wrapped around me: Draco. I sigh. He's still not giving me good answers, but I guess we'll have to work on that. I kiss him to wake him up.

"Mmm?" he says.

"Good morning."

He opens one eye and yawns. "Hey. You still mad at me?"

"No," I say, "because I never was."

"Thought you were..."

"Draco, no! I was just worried, that's all! Before you go somewhere, can you tell me where you're going at least?"

"I'll be sure to."

"Thank you."

"I'll making it up to you." And he tackles me and starts kissing down my neck.

"Not now!" I say with a giggle.


"Not now!" she laughs. I get off of her, though still over her: my arms are holding me up. She crosses her arms and pouts. "I'm hungry."

"Then let's go eat," I say. I get dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and jeans, and Hermione puts on a cropped white shirt and black shorts.

"That's hot," I comment. She rolls her eyes. I even up to her pace.

"So," I say. "Where you wanna go?"

"I thought we were eating here..? Nobody's seen you in what seems like forever." I stop her and hold her against the wall.


"Hermione, I want us to go out. Alone. We haven't gone on very many dates as it is, so let's go on a breakfast date. You and me, okay?"

She sighs. "Okay. Let's go." I take her hand and we walk down the stairs. "And don't forget to give Harry his gift, since you forgot yesterday."

"Okay. Anywhere in particular?" I ask once we reach the landing. Ginny looks up from the table.

"Draco!" She runs over and hugs me tight.

"Oi!" I say.

"Hermione was so worried, you have no idea! She was so worried, it made me worry and also made Harry - and of course Ron - worry, which made Mum worry." She lets go of me, then slaps me. "Never again, Draco Malfoy!"

I look at her in shock. "Ginny!" Hermione cries. Ginny glares at me and strides off.

"Okay..." I say, just now processing what happened. "Let's go. Now." We step outside. "Where'd you wanna go?"

"Come on." She takes my hand and we Disapparate.


"Where are we?" I ask once we land solid.

"London," I say. "There's this café that my parents used to take me to."

"Sounds good. Maybe after we eat we could visit your parents. You haven't seen them since school ended, right?"

"No, I actually went to see them day before yesterday." She gives me a fake smile. "Wouldn't hurt to see them again, though."

I nod glumly, trying to keep a grin plastering to my face. I wonder what she was talking to them about. Maybe the wedding. Probably me in general.

We get to the café. The hostess asks us booth or table and I reply with booth. I sit down across from Hermione, watching her as she observes the menu.

"Maybe a Danish...?" she says to herself.

"What do you suggest?" I ask.

"The cinnamon buns are good. They're the size of my face." She moves her finger in a circle around her face.

"And what are you getting?"

"A cinnamon bun," she says with a grin.

"Then I will get whatever you get." She rolls her eyes.

The waiter approaches and we give him our orders, as well as a cup of coffee each.


"Babe, that was heaven," I say. And don't think what I know you're thinking. I'm talking about the cinnamon bun, you little perverts.

"I know right!" she says. "Should we visit my parents?"

"Sure." We decide to take it down a notch and not use much magic today, so we take a cab. Hermione's home is very cute. Honestly, it's more beautiful than Malfoy Manor, which I have come to despise.

I follow her up the sidewalk to the front door, and she produces a key from her pocket and unlocks the door and enters the house. I follow her and bump into her. "What-"

I stop as soon as I hear a noise escape her mouth. Her hands go to her mouth immediately.


I walk around so I can see what she's looking at.

"Oh my god." I grab Hermione and pull her toward me as soon as her tears start streaming. She shakes in my grasp, burying her face in my chest.

"What happened?" is all she's able to say.

I shake my head. "I don't know."

"Who would come in and-"

"Shhh, Hermione. We should go report this to the Ministry. This looks like the work of dark wizards."

"I can't leave now!" she cries, dropping to the floor. "You go, I'll wait here."

I regret what I'm about to do. I wrap my arms around her and lift her up.

"No!" she screams. "Draco please, put me down!" I carry her out of the house and Apparate back to the Burrow.

I still carry her all the way to the front door and inside.

"Oh my goodness," Mrs. Weasley cries. She hurries over to us. "What happened?!"

"A very sore subject, that is," I say. I look at Hermione who's now whimpering into my chest. "I'm going to go lie her down."

Mrs. Weasley nods, and I make my way up the stairs; Hermione feels like she weighs practically nothing so she doesn't make it difficult for me to walk up the stairs. I lie her down on the bed and she curls into a ball. I lay a blanket over her and Mrs. Weasley comes in a couple seconds later with a cup of tea.

"Drink this Mione," I say holding her mug for her. She takes it reluctantly and takes a sip, then sets it on the side table. "Rest, love." I kiss her forehead and then make my way downstairs.

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