Chapter 12: Packing Up

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I sit up, swinging my legs around so they're dangling from the edge of the bed. I know everyone agrees I should have time to mourn - they were my parents, after all - but I feel like I need to take a stand. I need to figure out what happened.

"Hermione!" Ginny shouts from downstairs. I look at the door for a few seconds, then get up and hurry down.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Luna's here. She just Apparated."

Luna had taken a job at Hogwarts as the Care Of Magical Creatures professor. If she came here herself - or any other professor, for that matter - something must be up.

I quickly push the door open, revealing Luna approaching from a couple yards away.

"Hermione," she says with a smile. She embraces me, then lets go after a couple seconds. "I'm sorry for your loss."

A knot forms in my throat. "I'll get through it," I say, forcing a smile onto my face. "What has brought you here, Luna?"

"Oh, it's been terrible these past couple weeks!"

"You don't like your job?" Ginny asks with concern.

"Oh, no, I adore my job!" Luna exclaims. "It's just's becoming dangerous again."

Ginny and I exchange looks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The muggle-borns..."

I hold my breath.

"...they're being murdered."

"Oh God..." Ginny says.

I hold on to Ginny's arm so I don't fall.

"Have they figured out who it is..." I say.

"Not yet."

"How many..."

"Three at the moment...they murder one each week," Luna replies. She sets a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her. "We need your help."

"We'll get there as soon as we can," Ginny says on my behalf. "We'll go get Harry, Draco, and Ron. They can help us."

Luna nods, then Disapparates.

"Come, Hermione. Let's tell the boys, then pack up." I nod reluctantly, not being able to settle down for five minutes anymore, and I follow her into the Burrow.


"Muggle-borns are being murdered?!" Draco roars. "We're going to help. Now."

"Hun, you can't leave yet," I say.

"Why not?" he growls.

"We have to pack up first. We don't know how long we'll be there."

"Just let me go. I'll have murdered the murderer by the time you're done packing."

"Draco." I hold both of his shoulders. "Please."

His face softens a little. "I just don't want you being one of those muggle-borns."

I swallow. "I'll be fine."

"What about the wedding?"

"I'm sure we'll be back in time, don't worry," I say with a smile. I turn to the others. "Who is going to go with us?"

"I will," Ron says automatically.

"Me too," says Ginny.

"Well, if Ginny's going, I'm going," says Harry. I roll my eyes.

"Alright, we should get packing...I told Luna we would get there as soon as possible."

I climb the stairs with everyone on my tail, and we split up to go into our rooms.


We carry our suitcases down the many stairs, and wait in the living room until we all have gathered. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley come in.

"Oh, I'll miss you all," Mrs. Weasley says as she hugs everyone individually, Mr. Weasley following her lead.

"We'll be so fast, it'll be like we never left," Harry assures her.

"Don't attract the Muggles," Mrs. warns us.

"Bring me back something from the Muggles," Mr. Weasley says.

"From Hogwarts? Not likely, Dad," Ron says.

Mr. Weasley laughs. "Be good."

We say our farewells then walk out into the front yard and Disapparate.

We appear in the lawn of Hogwarts, facing the grand oak doors.

"Is it just me," I say, "or is everyone getting that magical feeling?"

"It's all of us."

A/N: yes, it's short, but I felt I should post something. Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!

Question: who do you think is murdering the muggle-borns???

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