Chapter 9: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

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All these question rush through my head, making my head hurt even more.

First question: What happened? Answer: My parents were murdered.

Second question: When did this happen? Answer: Most likely earlier today either before me and Draco left the Burrow or while we were at the café.

Third question: Who would do this? Answer: I don't have a fricking clue. Someone who dislikes my parents, or more abroad: muggles.

Fourth question: Why would someone do this? Answer: Again, they dislike muggles.

Fifth question: How did they kill them? Answer: No sign of a weapon or wound. The killing curse.

A wizard did this. An evil wizard. Someone who must hate my parents, and muggles, and me. Someone who...

No, Voldemort isn't back. Harry killed him last year. Are his Death Eaters rising again? It's possible, but I can't be so certain right now. I need to rest. Draco will protect me, and my friends. He'll help me get through, I just don't know if I can forget.

A/N: yes, very short, but I needed a filler chapter. Who do you think killed Hermione's parents? Comment and vote!

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