Chapter 14: Rounds

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I have a feeling Draco isn't telling me something.

But I don't push it. He seems ticked off about what Wyatt said, like it got to him. I don't want to make him feel worse.

"So," Ginny says, "do we go to classes or just walk around the halls all day?"

"We should monitor the classes," I say. "Spend a few minutes in each class, you know?"

"Yeah, ok."

"Alright," I say. "We're going to split up. I'll go to Charms, Ginny go to Care Of Magical Creatures, Ron go to Transfiguration, Harry go to Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Draco go to Potions. After 15 minutes, we'll rotate." With the flick of my wand, five sheets of paper appear in front of me. "Here are the schedules for each of us," I say as I hand them out. "Like I said, every 15 minutes go to the next class. Everyone good?"

"You seriously put a lot of though into this..." Ron mutters.

"Ought to be prepared," I say. "Let's go."

We all split up to our respective posts; I head to Charms. I wallk into the classroom about five minutes after class started. Professor Flitwick stops his instructions for the class and gazes at me.

"Miss Granger!" he exclaims. "Thought you were finished with Hogwarts!"

"I am, sir," I reply. I walk through the class up to his desk, the first years gazing up at me from their chairs. I crouch down and whisper, "Sir, I've been informed of the happenings that have recently occured." Flitwick's eyes grow wide, and he raises his eyebrows waiting for me to go on.

"I, along with Ron Weasley, his sister Ginevra, Draco Malfoy, and Harry Potter have come to help solve the problem. Would it be alright if we patrol the classrooms, one of us coming in for a few minutes one at a time? We would be making rounds to other classrooms as well."

"Of course, Miss Granger, of course."

"And would it be alright if I ask the students questions?"

"Anything to help keep Hogwarts safe."

"Thank you, sir." I find a seat in the back of the classroom and sit down, letting Flitwick finish his instructions.

"Today we will be learning the Levitation Charm. The incantation is "wingardium leviosa". Ten points to the first student who successfully performs the charm!"

And with that, the students set to work. I stand up from my seat and start to walk around, observing the students' attempts to make their feathers fly. Watching them sends me back to my first year.

As I look around I notice that this class is Gryffindors and Slytherins.

"Oh my goodness, Christopher. You're not saying it right!" I hear. I turn to the Gryffindors; there is a girl blabbering to a boy rather quickly. I walk over.

"Is something the matter?" I say with a chuckle.

"Yes, Miss, quite wrong," the girl says.

"What's your name, Hun?"


"And Emily, what's the matter?"

"Christopher here, is saying the incantation all wrong." She glares at Christopher, who looks back sheepishly.

"Let's hear it," I say to Christopher, and he tries the spell again.

"No no no, that won't do," I say. "You need to wave your wand like this: swish, and flick. And then the incantation is said 'wingardium leviOsa', not leviosAR."

"Fine," he says, irritated. I smile and continue walking around.

By the end of the class there had been no trouble; all I did was walk around and help them perfect their casting.

I next went to the fifth year's herbology class.

"Neville!" I exclaim as I walk into the greenhouse. He turns around and grins when he sees me.

"Hermione!" he says and he embraces me in a huge hug. "Bloody hell, I thought you wouldn't visit! Why are you here?"

"Yeah, why are you here?"

I turn, doing my best to stifle a groan. This class appears to be Ravenclaws and Slytherins. And who just had to be leading the group in?

"Look, none of us asked you to come here, Mrs. Malfoy. I just wanna know what your purpose here is," Wyatt says as he approaches me, his goonies in tow. Just as I open my mouth to reply, Neville says,

"Alright, Mr. Strong, to your seat with you, now."

Wyatt gives me one last look, then stalks off.

"Well," I say quietly, turning to Neville, "I'm here about the murders. Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Draco came too."

"Oh, I'll have to tell them hello at lunch!" he says happily.

Neville then gives instructions to the class on how to care for the Fanged Geraniums to prepare for O.W.L.s, and to collect the fangs to give to Professor Slughorn, who still teaches Potions.

"Mrs. Malfoy!" I hear a kind voice say. I turn to see Lila waving me over.

"Mrs. Malfoy, huh?" Neville says with a smirk.

"Not yet," I tell him. I walk over to Lila.

"Hey there," I say.

"Hey," she whispers. "I know you're walking around classes to see if you can find anything else out about the murders, and I've got something."

"What is it?" I say urgently.

She motions to Wyatt. "He and his friends often talk about it. Listen in, if you're able. Don't appear too obvious though."

I nod, and then walk slowly in Wyatt's direction.

"...that's what I heard, at least," he says. "I mean, my father always suspected the Malfoys, and he figured that Draco Malfoy has something to do with it. I wouldn't be surprised. He told me he was there when Draco was assigned the task! And he's here now, covering his tracks, I suspect."

I couldn't take it anymore. "What," I say through gritted teeth, "did you say about Draco?"

"Of course you wouldn't know, Mrs.," he says with a smirk. "He's probably keeping it a secret from you. Doesn't want you to freak out or bail on the wedding, I suppose-"

"How dare you!" I exclaim, holding him by the collar of his robes. "How dare you make up that kind of story, knowing I'm here listening in? Are you trying to ruin my relationship?"

"As a matter of fact-"

"That was a rhetorical question! I don't care if your family is involved with any kind of Dark Magic, but I will not believe that Draco has been designated to kill muggle-borns." I throw him slightly, hoping I got the message through his thick skull. He smirks.

"Hermione, maybe it's best that you go..." Neville says quietly. "And Mr. Strong, that will be detention, for playing with the mind of a Hogwarts guest."

A/N: Oh snap. Thoughts??

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