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Iodireth decided to look for anything to read. If this room was really as rich as it seemed, books were almost certain to be found even though they were rare in her home village. The glyph on the floor also suggested that whoever lived here was literate.

A quick search of the bed revealed a small, cloth bound book that looked liked it may have been a diarary used by a nobelwoman or a girl of noble birth. The strange feeling increased and Iodireth sat the book back on the bed.

On the fireplace's matle, she found another book. Dark blue and filled with symbols simialr to the strange glyph on the floor. A glance at the first few pages suggested magic. Iodireth knew little of magic, but was now certain that the strange feeling in the room was magical in nature. 

Back to the trunk then. Something is in there. Iodreth felt at the lock, and the wrong-ness she felt earlier persisted. Insinctively she took out one of her bronze arrowheads and, holding it like a knife, swung it at the lock. Tt shattered as if it were rusting for hundreds of years. The shards of the shiny metal now black and brown with corrosion.

Feeling the shards of rusty metal bouncing off her skin remind Iodireth of her nudity. Quickly she went back to the lower room and the fire, and donned her (mostly) dry dress before returning to the tower and examining the chest.

inside, Iodireth found a large reddish stone that had been carved into the shape of a curled, reptilian like humanoid with wings. it was with a small shock that iodireth found bits of fingernail in the grooves of the stone. Whoever made this statue carved it with their nails and teeth, heedless of the pain it must have caused.

Iodireth immediately thought of demon worshippers. People who, for one reason or another chose to follow the commands of some of the most malevolent beings. It struck her as odd that such a fancy room could belong to someone so engorssed in practices she considered abhorrent.

Why would a demon be associated with a room so beautiful? Why does this room have such an ood feel to it. Skimming the book on the mantle, Iodireth learned the basics of illusion magic. She even earned the names of a few small spells. Illusion magic must be at play here, she reasoned.

A large, fixed illusion ususally has a glyph keeping it in position. Iodireth uncovered the strange sigil on the floor and tired to overload it with what litter magic she now posessed from her newfound knowledge. Her first attempt failed, leaving her somewhat out of breath. The symbol itself sparked and flickered, suggesting that she was on the right track. On closer inspection Iodireth could see a faint glow coming from the symbol.

On her secont attmept the symbol resonated with a deep burst of noise before appearing to break then fade away. Immediately all the furniture in the room took on a haggard, time worn appearance.

Iodireth was now severely tired. The swim and the hike into the Fallcrest plus her new attempts at magic made her eyes heavy. Crawling onto the dilapidated bed she fell instantly to sleep.

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