1. M.L. Clark's Big Top Circus

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31, OCT. 1978
"M.L. Clark's Big Top Circus! Clowns, elephants, super strong men, and bearded women! We got it all! Are you ready to step inside?"

The young girl laughed as the clown before her finished his introduction and did a little dance. Her eyes widened as he jumped, pointing a thin finger toward the red kiosk just beyond the metal gate. "TICKETS", read the rusted over sign, surrounded by flickering yellow lightbulbs. A man behind the counter waved, gesturing for the family to step through the entrance into a night of magic and fun.

She turned back to the clown in front of her, looking up at him. He grinned back down at her, slowly tilting his head to the side as he reached his other hand down to her face. He extended his fingers, dragging the glove-covered digits through the ends of her blonde hair.

Frizzy red hair poked out of the sides of his head, curling around his head as the wind picked up around them. Smeared makeup covered his face, red liquid dripping down his cheeks. His costume showed signs of extended wear, a few tears and dirt smeers across the stripped fabric.

The woman pulled her daughter closer to her, looking the costumed man up and down with a mortified expression. She looked to her husband, grabbing onto his arm and pulling them through the barrier. The girl glanced back over her shoulder, frowning as the clown followed their movements, slowly waving goodbye with the same grin.

Darkness engulfed them. Now, beyond the gate, the only lights piercing through the night was the glow of the attractions surrounding them.

"M.L. CLARK'S BIG TOP CIRCUS," read the light-up sign. The large L was slightly tilted, and the G and O seemed to be flickering to a rhythm only they knew.

The family moved to the ticket booth, purchasing three tickets. The man within the booth complimented the young girl's outfit, and she laughed and thanked him, showing off her Cinderella costume.

With tickets in hand, the trio took in all the sights the Halloween circus had to offer. The girl glanced up as a man on wooden stilts walked by her, causing her to laugh.

The sound of the merry-go-round echoed through the wind, mixing together with her whispers. Children laughed as they explored the attractions. The smell of popcorn made her grin, clapping her hands with joy. As they set off to acquire the tasty treat, she caught site of a man covered head-to-toe in tattoos. He did a little bow once he noticed her stare, smiling at her fascination. With a tub of fresh popcorn clutched to her chest, the girl and her parents took a walk around the circus, huddled together under the harsh October weather. She gasped as walked past the animal cages, spotting a lion eating its dinner.

The magic of the circus was in full swing, happiness spreading to every corner of the lot.

The girl noticed a line outside a nearby tent, and showed her parents, pulling them toward the crowd. She bounced in anticipation as the line shortened, until her family was finally at the very front.

A suit-clad man emerged from the striped tent, after having followed the last group inside the enclosure. Upon seeing the young girl, he frowned, glancing at his watch. "Oh no, you just missed it, dear, the 19 o'clock show just started! But don't worry your pretty little head, Cinderella, there will be another at 20 hours!"

Her father sighed, checking his own watch, 19:02 staring back at him. "Sorry, pumpkin, we can hang around until the next show, yeah? Go on some rides, check out the petting zoo? I heard they have llamas!"

The girl's eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite animal, and she nodded happily. She did not mind waiting until the next show.

However, her smile quickly morphed into a frown. She turned around, glancing around the lively circus. She felt eyes on her, burning into her skull, but no one was watching her.

"Feel free to explore! We have many games, attractions, and foods for you to try! Welcome to M.L. Clark's Big Top Cir-"

A scream broke through the fabric, causing the man to freeze. His eyes widened as people rushed out of the tent, fearful shouts ringing through the night. Groups trampled over each other as they attempted to escape the area, crying out for help.

"It's the clown! He-" One yelled, before stopping in his tracks. He clutched his chest before collapsing into the sand below. A pool of crimson blood formed beneath him as a clown emerged from the tent, in his hands a gun and a bloody knife.

All of the commotion caused the young girl to be seperated from her parents. Fear rose within her as the scene unfolded, and she screamed, searching for them in the crowd. She spotted her mother's auburn hair and made the run for her, but she was young, and her movements were too slow. She was snatched from behind, smothered in tattered striped fabric and the stench of death.

"Are you ready to step inside?" He whispered into her ear, before slitting her throat.

World News Tonight
Psycho the Clown kills 31 at M.L. Clark's 30th Annual Halloween Circus
31, Oct. 1978

Tragedy struck tonight at M.L. Clark's Big Top Circus in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.

What seemed like a normal 30-year celebration of Holmes Chapel's beloved circus became a scene of horror.

Four months ago, M.L. Clark's Circus clown, Psycho the Clown, escaped from the circus during the introduction show, shortly after threatening and physically harming a 14-year-old boy, and never returned. After dealing with a hefty lawsuit, the clown's role was replaced, and Martin Lawrence Clark, founder of the circus in October 1947, hoped it would all be left in the circus' past.

He began the 30-year celebration, starting the introduction show at 19 hours. It was a magical moment, as it had been the past 30 years, acrobats and trapeze artists taking the stage as applause littered the crowd. However, the happiness of the guests was quickly replaced with horror. At 19:05, from within the shadows of the pavilion, a gun was fired off, killing ringmaster Martin Clark instantly with a shot to the heart. Screams broke out, and gun fire followed as Psycho the Clown took center stage. He proceeded to kill 31 attendees, including eight-year-old Cindy Bleecher.

Sources report Psycho was standing outside the circus as a greeter for an hour before slipping past the gates and into the main tent.

By 19:17, with 31 bodies littering the grounds of the once magical circus, Psycho the Clown fled into the woods behind the lot.

Please contact the police with any information on his whereabouts.


31, OCT. 2021
"Come one, come all! To the greatest show on Earth!"

40 years later, after the murder of 31 guests, M.L. Clark's Big Top Circus is back and better than ever, bringing back the magic and happiness it created in Holmes Chapel for 30 years.

"Are you sure about this?"

There was a glint in his eye when he smiled, "why wouldn't I be?"


published on October 30, 2021 with 1,212 words

Song of the chapter/story: OH MY GOD by Jacqueline Irvine and Barrie Gledden (you can find it on youtube, HIGHLY recommend listening)

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