Chapter 3: Just a little mad?

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"Please Alexis, take a seat"

When you live with someone who literally owns a mafia, has dealed and killed people and doesn't really care about his family you know that when he calls you into his studio to have a talk with you, you are screwed.

"Just finish this quick dad, I have other things to do" I saw my dad arching an eyebrow at such brave comment. I know I shouldn't talk like that to him but well, I couldn't care less honestly.
"You want me to finish this quick?" He replied with a smile, I simply nodded crossing my arms on my chest. "Alright, you wanted this" He whispered.

I frowned a little at his sudden happy attitude. I thought he was going to scold me for something I have done or something I had said that he hadn't liked but that wasn't the case.
I should have seen this coming.

My dad slammed a sheet of paper on his table, the sound made me jump a little. My curious eyes quickly moved from my dad's figure to the paper, my hands started sweating.
I don't know why it surprised me. I was sure my subconcious knew why he had called me, deep down in my mind there was a little voice shouting at ne to get out of there but like always, like everybody, I didn't listen to that voice.

"What's that?" I asked frowning, still staring down at the paper.
"Why don't you look at it?"

Glancing up into my father's eyes I reached down and grabbed the paper. I started reading through it as I held it with both of my hands. Names such as  Jason Gibsom, Ethan Tyles, Tyler Themas and a lot more were written. This couldn't be happening. My hands started shaking with rage.

"Time to settle down with a guy, honey" My dad leaned back against his chair, his smile still plastered on his face.
"What!? Didn't you understand when I said Im not getting married this year!? It's. Not. Happening!" I shouted,  I was about to lose the little patience I had left.
"Alexis Rodriguez! Raise your voice again and I swear to God you'll find out what happens to the people that dares to challenge me!" He barked back, surprising me enough to shut up.

I was 100% that the rest of the people in this house could hear our conversation, we were shouting so loud that I wouldn't be surprised if the entire country was hearing us.

"Look for Lucas, he has a bit of information about every guy in there, I'll give you four days to decide which one you want to meet first. If you don't decide, I'll do it for you"

My brain stopped working when I heard a certain name, I literally stopped listening.

For some reason after the sound of his name came out of my dad's lips a sudden rush of betrayal overwhelmed me. He had been investigating, he knew this was going to happen. Why didn't he tried to stop it? Why did 't he told me anything so I could stop it? Wasn't he the one that kept telling me everything was going to be okay?

"You know what I think about this list?" I asked smirking, holding it up with one hand. I was done, I couldn't stand this anynore.
"Alexis" My father warned, knowing I was three seconds away from snapping.
"You can shove it up your fucking ass, jerk"

I was so dead.
I was so extremely dead.
Looking into his eyes I broke the paper into thousand little pieces and made my way out of the room, leaving him behind as he shouted all kinds of swearings and awful words he knew.
I had tears flooding my eyes but I was determined not to cry or at least not to cry infront of one of them. While making my wait out of the house I walked into a hard chest with a too familiar scent. I didn't need to lool up to see who was standing infront of me.

"Lexi..." He whispered, his hand reaching up to brush some of my hair out of my face so he could probably look at me. I moved before he could touch me, I didn't want to face him right now.
"Leave me alone Lucas" I said, my voice broke as I spoke but I didn't let him stop me.

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