Chapter 4: Accepted

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It was the first time Lucas and I had found ourselves avoiding eye contact with each other while an awkward silence killed us.
Honestly, I didn't know what to say to him. His betrayal hurt but he was still being the closest friend that I had. I didn't want to lose him over something so stupid, specially when worse times were coming my way.

"Look Lucas..." I was about to start the conversation when he raised one of his hand to shut me up. It was something I hated, something he usually did whenever he wanted to get on my nerves but this time I found myself just waiting for him to talk.

"I tried to stop it but he rejected every single thing I said" Lucas was looking down at his hands, I could hear the guilt he felt in his voice "I know I promised you everything was going to be okay, I tried my best Alexis and I couldn't just stop it"

I looked down at my hands copying his gesture, Lucas seemed sad, he really looked as depressed as me about this whole thing.

"He told me I should be the one explainning you all this stuff since we are close and I had to do it by the end of the week. I was just waiting for the right moment" Lucas moved his head up, his eyes meeting mine "Guess I should have done it earlier" He shrugged, his lips tilting up into a sad smile.
"It's alright Lucas" I let out a soft sigh.

I didn't like the fact that he looked so under the weather for something that was going to happen to me. He was not the guilty one and wasn't definitely the victim either.

"We both knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I was just mad and you were the first person I walked into after that argument, I clearly didn't want to talk with anybody" I took a cookie trying to come up with another subject.

Another awkward silence overwhelmed both of us, it was obvious Lucas was still feeling guilty about everything and I just didn't know what else I could do to stop that. Taking a sip from my glass of milk, I glanced up at him.

"So you know any of the guys my father have proposed?" I asked resting my cheek on the palm of my hand, Lucas nodded quietly.
"He chose good guys, they are not your typical rich and spoiled kids" He told me.

I couldn't help but feel relief as soon as I heard his words, at least I wasn't dealing with rich jerks

"I mean some of them are better than the others" Sighing he picked up one cookie, taking a bite of it before he started speaking once again "I would still be better if you didn't have to marry one of them, though"
"I know" I forced a smile up to my lips, his eyes watching my face. He was probably trying to determine if I was lying or not "Maybe I end up getting my happy ever after like my brother Leon, who knows?" I shrugged, we both knew that was a lie.
"Yeah, maybe"

After his reply our conversation kept being as tense and awkward as it started, not because I was still mad at Lucas but because he seemed to be focused on something else and not on our talk. He would sometimes stay quiet, completely ignoring what I was saying until I forced him to snap out of his mind prison to come back down to earth once again.

Whatever he was thinking was really bothering him.

Eventually Lucas had to leave for work and he left me alone in the kitchen. Once he was gone I really didn't feel like eating cookies, so pushing the plate away I placed infront of me the files he had brought me, deciding to take a look.
If I had to meet one of these guys, I would get to choose which one I wanted to deal with first.

First sheet of paper I picked up had the name Charles Summers on it. I didn't took to much time reading his information since I knew he was one of James Reed's friends.

All guys from that group were pure players and I really wasn't interested in those kind of guys.


Next guy's name was Kyle.
I decided not to read his surname though, I couldn't care less about which American mafia he came from so there wasn't any need to know that part of his name.

I looked down at his picture.
Blond hair, brown eyes and a smile that probably had girls on their knees whenever he wanted to. He looked kind of cute though, I could see myself going out with a guy that had those looks.
Don't misjudge me, I was somebody who cared more about the personality but since Lucas had written jerk in every guy's personality description I would have to trust my intuition on this one.

I guess he passed the test.

I just had to look at the next guy's picture to reject him. He was another one of James friends so it was obvious I wasn't going to date him.

I spent almost an hour and a half reading sheet after sheet filled with information. After the firt hour, returned to eating cookies since choosing a future husband was becoming tiring.

What? I needed to recharge my energy.

When I finally reached the final paper I stopped on my tracks. My eyes quickly meeting the picture that had been chosen.

He had chocolate brown hair, not too short but long enough for you to run your fingers through it. His hair style seemed to be the same as Lucas, some kind of "I just got out of bed after my best hook up ever".
His eyes were green but not like emeralds, they were deep and dark green, pulling you closer to him...Giving him kind of a intriguing look. His lips looked kissable and I bet he was experienced on kissing, he looked like it.

I liked him though.

I forced myself to look away from his picture and read his information. His name was Noah Carter. I couldn't help but smile when I read his surname, I had just rejected his brother Ethan 10 minutes ago because he was in James' little squad.

Noah looked different. He seemed as experience as his brother but he didn't have the jerk aura around him.

When my eyes moved down, hoping Lucas had written something about his personality I was surprised to find a slight change in there.
Instead of jerk, Lucas had written Extra jerk.

Well Lucas, too bad he didn't look like it to me.

Noah Carter was the chosen one, I was interested on him and I knew my father was going to be too, since the Carter family was as powerful as ours.

Little did I know, what I was getting myself into.

I should have listened to Lucas and not mess with the Carter family.

Actually, I should have ran away from home as soon as I was forced to choose a fiance.
Mafia drama was about to go down and none of us were ready for it.

A/N: Hi guys! I just wanted to thank all of you who are reading my story! Thank you, thank you soooo much I really appreciate every vote and every comment you guys give me!
Also! We are 298 in #player and that's really cool! Im so happy about it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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