Chapter 1: Again with the marriage thing?

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Have you ever read these cheesy books that were about mafia, romance and gangs?
It all seems to be so romantic and exciting, it kind of makes the reader wish they would be the main character of that book.

Hah. How stupid. You don't want to be a psrt of that, really.

As the only daughter of an American mafis boss, let me tell you it's not as exciting and romantic as you read in those book. It's actually sort of boring and annoying, extremely annoying.
There are no threats or wars between the mafias. Of course some of the families are rival with others but not too many people died on conflicts. There also aren't any handsome/sex god guys who protects you with his love and affection.
There were only rich and fat men with posh and bitchy wives along with assholes sons and egocentric daughters. That was 95% of the mafia world.
So fun right?

The worst part about this world was the meetings. That time where the family representing one of the mafias would have dinner in the house of another. You had to be nice, sweet and obedient and acted like you cared about all the stupid things they talked about. It was really frustrating when you were a girl and all the conversaions about dresses, make up and marriage.

Marriage...Let's not get started with that.

You are probably wondering. Why are you in such a bad mood Alexis?

Imagine being in one of those dinners, with your father's potential partner -who is probably around 50- sitting infront of you and constantly staring st your cleavage. He would definitely hit on me if my dad and his wife weren't around, however it would always end the same way.
With me slapping his creepy face.

"Right Alexis?"

My dad's voice pulled me out of my trail of frustrated and angered thoughts just to make me notice he had been talking to me about something. Me, not being interested in the subject, had completely zoned out and only focused on the delicious food that was being served.
I swear I just liked this meetings because we had the best food ever.
Not wanting to be scolded right there, I did what I always do. Smile up at him and nod.

"Yeah, definitely" However as soon as those words left my mouth he frowned and I knew that wasn't the answer he had been expecting. Shit.
"I'm surprised you're so excited about finding a boyfriend" He replied with a content smile

Double shit.

I instantly started choking on the water I was drinking, luckily, I had managed to cover my mouth before I could shower the guy sitting infront of me. That would have been funny but my father would have killed me.

Being part of one of the most powerful families in the country also affected to your relationships. All the guys that usually tried to flirt with me were interested in just two things:
1. My money.
2. Getting between my legs.
None of those reasons sounded appealing to me. That's why I have never had a boyfriend, I have never kissed somebody and I definitely will not have a one night stand with somebody.
Sometimes it would makeme feel a little lonely, sure, but then I remember that having the person you love break your heart must be way worse and the loneliness I feel quickly goes away.

"That was an allergic reaction" The girl, whose name I clearly didn't remember, commented amused.
"Exactly" I said clearing my throat, a small smile on my face "No boyfriends for now"
"But look at Diana, Alexis!" My dad interviene, catching my attentiom "She's getting married next month!" He sounding awfully excited, like if he hoped I would do the same.

I looked at Diana and frowned.
She was 18, I think. What made her so impatient about marriage that she couldn't wait a bit more or forget about it?

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