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     After the talk we had Ahote stopped avoiding me. He would stick around when I would approach him, all to the dismay of his brother. I did, however, notice he was a lot quieter — he was shy. I had gotten better at being around him too. I tried not to stare for too long or come off too strong. Him admitting he was a little afraid of me still had me conflicted.

     A deep sigh left my lips as I shook my head and rolled to the side on my bed. I've been here for a while now. Things here seemed to repeat themselves on loop. Breakfast, garden, lunch, playtime with the children, dinner. Well, that was Ahote's schedule and I still followed him around like a baby fowl.

     The hunters left without me on their scheduled visit to the city. When I asked one of them told me that they couldn't get me to wake up and that they just had to leave. I believed him but after a few more days of hearing the same thing after every hunting trip. I had my own reasons to feel Lupa was behind it. He was their leader after all and had the authority to 'shadow ban' me.

     I tossed around in bed some more before deciding to sit up. My mouth was dry, and the lights peeping through the beaded curtains was starting to affect me. It was around three in the afternoon now. I'd taken a nap — or tried to take one. I was just too restless, and the kids were being noisy. I could hear running feet from the corridor and the screams and laughter that accompanied them. I wondered what they were doing. Chasing each other perhaps?

     I got up when the sounds became louder, and one of the yelling voices was replaced by that of an adult. Brushing my hair with my fingers I walked over to my door, unlocking it before I looked out into the hallway. A child ran into the view, pausing when they realized that I was staring at them.

     "Elan?" I asked, squinting into the hallway. The child blinked at me before biting his bottom lip. He took a step back, then forward. He seemed confused as if trying to decide if he should take his chances and walk over to me or turn and run back towards whatever was after him.


     The little one made up his mind immediately the female voice rang through the hall again. He ran towards me, stunning me so much that I didn't even know when he disappeared under me and ran into my bedroom. The voice kept calling his name, but it faded away soon. I looked into my room to find the boy hiding under my covers. A small smile graced my face before I closed the door and walked over to my bed. I sat at the edge, looking down at the small bump under the blanket.

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