Has Nothing To Do With Hamilton

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I named this after the song from the Hamilton Musical. The title is "The Room Where It Happens" because it was stuck in my head and I thought it was a good fit. It's not. Literally none of it has to do with a room. I am upset with myself. Anyway, this one is just a- "what if Tom was the one who died and everyone else was safe and a new house was rebuilt and that's where the reader is living?" pretty good idea. Maybe. This one I am proud of. Enjoy-

Ghost!Tom x Reader (The Room Where it Happened)‎

Chpt. 1

I sat, watching TV like usual. Just flipping through each channel without a second thought. Not much was interesting about my home or how I lived. Not like it really mattered. Probably the only thing remotely interesting was the fact that something lived in my basement. I'm not sure if it's a ghost or a giant rat but something seems to be living there.

Usually, I'd pass it off as just something I'd have to get used to but as of recently, it's been getting worse. I grabbed my flashlight and walked towards the cold basement. Every possible scenario playing in my head as if this would be the last time I think about anything and meet my demise. I might die or I might need therapy afterwards, but whatever it is, I need to know.

(Tom's POV)

It's been 5 years since I've died. The home was blown to pieces by that asshole Tord. Fortunately, Edd, Matt, and everyone else came out unscathed. Except for me and the house of course. They built this new house above the ashes of the old one and everyone acts as if it all never happened. What a bunch of losers...

I stop my thoughts when I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards the basement. The girl that lives here, (Y/n), is probably coming down. In a hurry, I hide. She has a flashlight, which might make it easier for her to find me.

(3rd person)

(Y/n) looks around, unsure of what to expect. From the corner of her eye, she found a small teddy bear with no button eyes. It just had one curved line which made it look irritated. (Y/n) smiled at the small item and picked it up. Tom watched from behind a few boxes. That was his prized possession. Not to mention, his 'only' possession.

After some more searching, (Y/n) gave up and started to walk away. This concerned Tom. Was he going to let his last remnant go to someone else or was he going to stand up and take it back?

(Y/n) was almost to the stairs when-

"STOP! put it down!" yelled Tom. His face red in embarrassment. (Y/n)'s skin crawled as the voice echoed ever so slightly. Slowly, she turned around and saw Tom who came out from his hiding spot.

"S-sorry but that belongs to me..."

(Y/n) looked down at the object in hand and thought for a few seconds. Gathering her courage, she put her foot down "I won't give it back until you leave!"

She must have mixed up stupidity for courage.

"Excuse me?" said Tom, confused as hell. "I-I... I can't! I'm stuck here, I'm part of this land's past and I can't leave until something is fulfilled." (Y/n) looked at him, head tilted in curiosity. "So, like... are you a ghost?"

"We prefer to be called spirits, but yes."

Taking it all in, she then asked: "What is it that you have to fulfill then?" Tom looked down, trying to gather all the information he had in his brain to look for the answer. Problem is, there was nothing to fulfill. Before his death, Tom was satisfied with how he lived. He didn't really have anything left to do.

Before he could say anything, (Y/n) sighed and signaled him to follow her out of the basement. He complied and walked with her to the kitchen where she brought out some flour. Tom had no idea what she was gonna do or why. Again, before he could say anything, (Y/n) splashed the flour onto Tom. His body's shape shown more clearly than the transparent way he was before.

A little bit angry, Tom spoke. "Why did you do that?" he asked. All (Y/n) could do was laugh "I've never got to do that with anyone before. I just wanted to try it!"

At this, Tom couldn't be angry. Her little laugh was as adorable as can be. It's a shame that no one else will witness this moment. Not helping himself, Tom let out a chuckle. Making (Y/n) blush. Tom's face also flashed a light pink. The closest he could ever get to blushing. He felt warm. He felt happy. He felt alive.

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