Prologue: Prophecy

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15 years after the Element War

Nara, the goddess of Visions was hustling through the halls of the gods' so-called home, an island in the sky. Angels moved out of her way because they knew she had gotten a vision but recently she has been off, none of them she's gotten came true or have been nonsense. The other gods and goddesses knew that but there wasn't much they could do. They thought that maybe the Element War had messed her up a bit in the head for most of them had to physically intervene and use some of their powers. Either way, what could they do since none of the visions were coming true but they knew they still had to listen to them either way.

Nara burst into their lounging room heels off at this point, messy hair, and dressed sloppily. The other gods and goddesses looked up slightly amused or concerned. She fell to her knees shaking, bowing to her mother and father sitting at the end, apologizing for disturbing them.

"I come bearing a vision, it is nothing like the others." She cried, desperately hoping they would believe her.

Her father, Calian, the god of life spoke, "Go on, we're listening."

She took a breath, head bowed, "A child of the gods is in danger, one who is different from them all. A fight shall come, loved ones will fall. Darkness like no other is here to kill her for she is something more."

Silence. It wasn't that it was unusual for the children to be in danger which is why they kept them in the nursery. But the only thing that shocked most of them was that all the children born this year had been boys, no girls. Someone had kept a secret or it was either a false lead.

"How do we know this is true?" Her sister, Tempest, goddess of envy said, trying to get attention.

A few murmurs ran around the room unsure what to believe. Her mother, Morrigan, goddess of death spoke up silencing the room.

"I believe her, for I have also been getting dreams of what she has said. I dismissed them all, unsure of them but hearing my daughter has had one, is a clear sign something terrible is going to happen. It must not be ignored."

She stood up and Calian followed her. Most of the gods were still a bit hesitant, on edge if there was going to be an attack but knew they all had to go look at the Wall. Tempest just sulked, slacking behind the rest of her brothers and sisters. She sighed, hoping that something bad would come out of this. Morrigan led them through the halls while Calian went to round up the rest of the missing goddess. They never stick around and most of the time are not interested in the prophecies.

When it came to prophecies, they were nothing to be taken lightly, if it came true then it had the power to destroy everything even if it went bad or if it went good. A few of the gods were nervous because the last one started the war since the mortals fought over their gifts and became greedy. It basically became a massacre so they had to step in. Pallas, goddess of wisdom, and Sheilds, goddess of loyalty joined them. They all began looking at the imprinted stone wall but nothing new popped out at them, was it false?

"Here." Someone said.

They all turned seeing Kyran the god of light standing at the far end. Morrigan hurried over, there was indeed a new prophecy. There wasn't much but she got the message. Turning away from the wall the rest of the gods and goddess took a look.

A warrior who rises from the gods

Who must end all wars known to man

Gifted by many there will be a price

To save the ones he loves is to give up his life

Let his legacy live on and on

One will take up the legacy again

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