Important note + random chapter

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                             I was rereading some of the chapters and I did put that it was under editing...
I looked through it and am going to editing these chapters before I publish anything.
I'm sorry I have to do this but...I just can't deal with a book that's all over the place right now
So.. I'm gonna edit every chapter and the story's gonna change. 

Yeah... hope u understand and so this book can make sense...along with how this AU
Oh yeah..some of the titles maybe change and stuff

Anyway...I have some randomness I found in my planning book for some reason

Description: Welcome to my world of chaos because this is the team

3rd POV

"Go!" Nomad yelled from the corner of the room.
"Lasagna!" Sentai yelled.
"No... potatoes." Baihu said.
"Chicken nuggets are better than both." Nomad said jumping over the couch.
Pacific stares at them before slowly backing up and leaving, not wanting to get involved with the mess. Proceeded to hide in a box under the table.
Oni comes in the room seeing Sentai, Nomad and Baihu screaming which is the better food. Backs away leaving this mess for Genji to sort out. Somehow also ends up under the table with Pacific finding it entertaining but strange.
Nomad proceeds to slap Sentai and well Baihu tries to get away only to be stopped by a small snake in the doorway.
"Why is there a snake?" Baihu asks terrified of the small reptile.
"Because it's my pet...Danger noodle." Nomad replied picking it up and throwing it at Sentai. He slapped it away...the snake just slithered away under the table where the other two were.
"Noooo... Dander noodle come back!" Nomad screeched.
Oni hissed seeing the snake come towards him and did the only reasonable thing..put the snake in Pacific's box.
"WHY IS THERE A SNAKE IN MY BOX!" Pacific yelled breaking his box and scrambled away.
"I put it in there," Oni said still under the table.
"Where's my danger noodle!?" Nomad said.
No one knew.
They all started to argue about who knows what.
The snake sneakily slithered to the door trying to get out but was stopped when something picked it up.
"What's going on?" Genji said standing in the doorway holding Danger noodle.
They were all quiet before pointing at one of their teammates randomly.
"He started it." They all said before booking it out of the room leaving Genji very confused.
"What are you looking at," Genji said the small snake. It just flicks it's tongued out.

As I said I will be changing those chapters over the few months. If I don't publish I'm probably still trying to rewrite and figure out how to make the story make sense.
So thank you for understanding... hopefully

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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