Chapter 1

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35 years later

Things in life aren't always fair but maybe they happen for a reason. Although to Genji it didn't seem like that, to him it felt like he didn't belong or he was cursed. Sometimes he wished things could go back to being 'normal' even if it was by a little because everything felt off. Strange. It's been that nagging feeling in his chest ever since he was a teenager. Life now though was ok, it was definitely better than his previous years.

'Years, that's how long it's been' He thought, and for some reason, it amused him. That simple thought hides many things, humor covering it. The small smile left his lips as memories started coming back.

"Genji, are you even listening?" Someone said,

He looked up, his face showing no emotion again, as he stared at Jack Morrison. He was the Commander of Overwatch and had been giving a speech on a mission but truth be told, Genji wasn't even needed since he wasn't going.

"Yes sir." He lied. As much as he hated lying, it was fine at least in this situation. He decided to act like he was listening but his mind was elsewhere. He looked at everyone, how different this world was as were their backgrounds. Sighing quietly he tapped his metal finger on the table, impatient for the meeting to be done. It wasn't that he hated it here even if he disliked it, it was just that he had other important things to do. He looked at the clock which was a mistake because now it just felt like time was going slower.

"For those who are not in the mission, be ready for being back up but other than that have a break," Jack said concluding their meeting. Then, like a switch had been flipped, people got up talking casually. Someone bumped him in the arm which startled him. Looking over it was McCree.

"Ah, McCree, how are you?" He asked.

He scratched his beard, "Meeting was the same as usual but honestly, I'm ready for this mission. Been a few since I've been in action, ya know? Anyways, I was gonna ask how you are."

McCree was a special case, more to him felt like a brother even if he annoyed him to death, it was nice, but what Genji most enjoyed about him was how caring he was.

"I'm good, but probably gonna stop in either Mercy or Torbjorn's room because my arm's been bothering me for a bit."

They continued walking in silence and somehow ended up at the medbay where Mercy was, not where he wanted to be but didn't complain.

"Well," He began, "I'll be going then, see you around McCree." As he headed into the room unsure what to expect. He knocked lightly trying not to startle Mercy. She turned around, hair messy and looking like she hadn't gotten much sleep.

"Oh, uh...Genji, um...what can I do for you?" She said with a tired smile.

"Sorry to bother you but my arm has been irritated and I just wanted to get it checked out." He hoped she could just make sure it was fine and then let him leave but it was never like that. She frowned before motioning him to take a seat and grabbing some supplies.

"Do you mind if I take it off?" She said not facing him.

"It's fine." He said and looked out the window instead. She came back over but he didn't look. Only heard and felt as she rolled up his sleeve to his shoulder, unattached his metal arm.

"Hmm..well it's definitely irritated but I have some cream for you, although it might sting." She said as she rubbed it on the skin connecting to the metal circle. It did sting but he didn't show any signs of pain. "There, hopefully, that will last you for a while." He nodded but refused to look at her. She just made him uncomfortable and he knew for a fact she liked him because she never hid it. It was why he would prefer Torbjorn. Then he felt it click back into place before he rolled it back just in case. The cold feeling of metal against his skin was something he might not ever get used to.

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