|| • Chapter 42 • ||

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|| • Chapter 42 • ||

"Bryn I don't know what to say." Was my response before he could even say anything.

He let out a chuckle that sent tingles through my skin and heat through my cheeks.

"I didn't even ask you anything yet." He gave me his charming smile.

"Oh yeah." The heat intensified and I looked down at Poppy.

She had fallen asleep on her back, gripping my pointer finger with her paws as if it were her only life line. It was absolutely adorable and it helped removed the heat from my face. I looked up at Bryn and he was waiting patiently for me to look at him.

"Go ahead." I mumble and he smiles as he takes in a deep breath.

His chest inflating double it's size before falling back down as he let go of the air inside of his lungs.

"I know I said wanted to wait until you've graduated from college, and I still do, but being the guy I am I have insecurities. Because of these insecurities bring slight trust issues well more so fear of losing you then trust issues. So I'm just going to ask you now in hopes you say yes." He rambles gripping the box in his hands.

I felt my heart flutter in my chest and my lips fight to keep the smile off my face. I didn't want to ruin it all by smiling like Cheshire Cat before he even got the chance to ask.

"Amelia Grace Fosters," He starts off and takes both of my hands in his. The felt of the small box brushing my fingers. "would you do the honors of saving my fearful heart and marry me?" He gives off a bright smile and I can't help but swoon at his child like features.

This wasn't the ideal proposal but it's better than what I could ever imagine.

"Of course we wouldn't get married right away, we'll wait until you graduate I just need some type of assurance." He sighs. "Something to remind me that you're mine and for ever will be mine."

"What if something happens in those four years and we realize this is just some blissful utopia now but later on it quickly turns into some horrible mistake?" I bite down on my lip and stare at him.

I don't want false hope of a marriage to a man who may not love me later on in our marriage.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." He grips my hands tighter.

"I'm not one for heartbreak." I tell him and he takes in another deep breath.

"Neither am I and this is why I'm doing it." He brush his thumb against my knuckles.

"Ok." I say after a slight pause.

"Ok?" He asks again his lips pulling into a smile again.

I nod my head and mine does the same. My muscles losing the battle in that war.

He opens the box and takes out a ring. It wasn't anything extraordinarily extravagant. It wasn't big and flashy yet it was beautiful. A silver band with a bracket caressing the simple diamond. He took my hand and slipped on my finger. Once it reached the base of my finger he laced our fingers together and we both looked up at each other.

"We're getting married." I whispered.

"In four years time." He leans in and kisses me.

I smile against his lips and pulls but a smidgen.

"I can't wait." He lets out a laugh and kisses me again.

I untangle our fingers, seeming poppy was still holding onto my other finger, and reach up to caress his face.

Socially Awkward(COMPLETED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now