birthday boy

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[Not my story]
Ao3 MinGeniusLab

Jimin was still half asleep when he felt a strong smell of something burning.

At first, he thought it was a dream, but then he heard a loud 'fuck!' followed by the sound of the smoke alarm going off, which made him instantly shake off his state of drunken sleepiness and realize that there was indeed, something burning inside his apartment. He got up and winced at the cold floor against his bare feet before he headed to the kitchen, coughing a little since the smoke that was now clearly noticeable made its way into his lungs. He stopped abruptly at the sight in front of him.

His boyfriend was frantically trying to dissipate the smoke with a magazine while in the sink the water was running down furiously on a frying pan still in flames, as an attempt to put down the fire. There were flour and a couple of broken eggs scattered on the floor.


The older became still and turned around slowly to face Jimin, who failed to suppress an amused chuckle; he found the whole situation somehow comical, now that he knew his house wasn't in danger and it had been only his boyfriend trying to cook, apparently.

He tiptoed to reach and turn off the alarm and then went to get the fire extinguisher from under the sink to stop the last flames. Once he was done he turned around, his eyebrow raised as if asking the other what on earth had happened, biting on a playful smile before another chuckled could come out. Yoongi sighed and left the magazine on the counter to take a step closer to where Jimin was standing and cover him with his arms in a warm embrace.

“Happy birthday, baby.”

Jimin hugged him back and hid his face into his lover’s neck, breathing in the familiar scent. “I love you.”

“I love you too” he moved a little so he could see Yoongi’s face “but, what exactly happened in our kitchen?” The older left out a defeated grunt and hugged him closer so he could rest his forehead in the other’s shoulder, embarrassment clear on his face.

“I tried cooking you breakfast.” Jimin laced his fingers behind his boyfriend's neck. “...And?” he questioned.

“And I realized I don’t know how to make pancakes.” This time Jimin let out a full laugh, airy and filled with playful teasing and fondness. He kissed away the small pout on Yoongi's face. “It’s okay, don’t worry, but we still have all this mess to clean,” he said looking at the small chaos around him “and breakfast to make.” Jimin got closer until their noses were brushing “Although I think I know what you could eat.”

He bit on his lower lip staring at the older, who was now looking at him with so much love and lust he could’ve combusted right there. They kissed lazily, their lips brushing slowly and calmly, content in the familiar taste of each other and the peaceful Sunday morning in their home.

The sound of the phone disturbed the moment and Yoongi sighed for what could be the 10th time that morning.

"Hello?" answered Jimin "Ah, yes. Yes, we're fine, thank you..No there's no need to," he looked around and exchanged a look with his boyfriend who seemed to understand the situation "it's all okay now. Yes, thank you again, bye!"

He hung up and went to cup the other's face, now covered with a faint yet visible blush. "Don't be so embarrassed, let's clean this mess and then, we make something for breakfast... Maybe not pancakes, though." He giggled and kissed him one more time before heading to begin their work.


That same night they were cuddling on the sofa after their friends, who had come to visit Jimin, had left. Yoongi shifted so he could face him "did you enjoy your birthday?"

Jimin nodded and intertwined their hands "a lot, thank you." He brought their fingers to his lips to leave small pecks in them. He was starting to feel sleepy when a knock on the door made him frown in confusion.

"Finally" said the older while standing up to make his way to the door. He came back with two boxes, looking oddly excited as he placed them on the coffee table in front of Jimin. "You thought I wouldn't get you anything?" he asked after reading the confusion on the younger's face. That made Jimin's heart do a little flip in his chest and flash a bright smile before throwing himself at the other boy in an almost bone-crushing embrace. "You didn't have to."

"But I did, so open them now." He went to grab the bigger box, but Yoongi stopped him before he could touch it "Don't! Just- just open it on the table, don't move it too much." Jimin looked at him in suspicion, asking himself if he should be scared. He followed his boyfriend's instructions and undid the ribbon to lift the lid.

And oh God. 

He could cry.

"You got me a cat?" He asked in a whisper almost inaudible as to don't disturb the small kitten sleeping inside the box. Yoongi seemed nervous, fidgeting with his ring.

"Do you like it? I mean, it's okay if you don't want it because it's another responsibility, but I know you love cats and that day when we passed by that pet shop you looked at it so sad so I thought-" This time Jimin did throw himself at his boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" He sobbed into his chest. "I love it so much I- wait," He went to look at the sleepy cat again and only then he realized "this is the cat from that pet shop... That was like a month ago, how- I didn't even know you've noticed I wanted it."

"Of course I always notice. How could I spoil you if I didn't?" That had Jimin's eyes watering again and Yoongi leaving a kiss on his temple while pushing the smaller box closer to them. "You better open this one before it gets ruined."

"You didn't get me another pet, did you?" He chuckled and shook his head. Jimin finished opening the package and left out a bark of laughter as he got out a plate of pancakes out of the box. He carefully placed it on the table, admiring the restaurant-worthy presentation; all the pancakes were piled up, small blue rose petals surrounding it and caramel dripping from the top.

"Wait" Said Yoongi before running to the kitchen. He came back with small candles that he stuck in the center of the pancake tower. "Okay now it's ready" he announced once he had lit all the candles and sit on the floor next to him. Jimin smiled at him and got closer, preparing to blow out the candles before causing the second fire that day, but was distracted by a small meow coming from the other box that was now moving towards the end of the table. He caught it before it could fall and took the tiny kitten out of it, carefully accommodating it into his arms like a baby. Yoongi rested his head in his hand, looking at them with so much love it almost hurt.

"Make a wish, birthday boy."

Jimin closed his eyes, still caressing the cat's soft fur, and thought about what he could wish for but, unsurprisingly, nothing came to mind. What did came to mind were all the things he was thankful for, a long list filled with the names of the people that surrounded him and had helped him turn into the person he is today.

A list that started with his family and friends and ended with the person right next to him. The one that had granted all his wishes yet encouraged him to ask for more.

“The candles are melting, baby” chuckled Yoongi beside him.

He took a breath and before blowing out the small flames, he wished for his list to remain forever with him.

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