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[Not my story]
Ao3 rappersandwich

Jimin yawned as he entered the practice room. He stretched in bed this morning, hoping it would take away his muscle pain, but he already knew it wouldn't do him any good. Only proper stretching and a few good rounds of his work-out routine would relieve him of the ache. It was a good thing they always kept a spare stereo in their closet for whenever anyone wanted to practice by themselves. Jimin started pulling out the equipment when he heard a soft hum from the room next door. He thought back to when he woke up and realized that he didn't even check the other rooms before going out. He just assumed that he was the only one awake and thought that he wasn't making much noise. He was almost sure that no one would wake up because of him.

Slowly, he made his way out of the closet and crept over to the adjacent room. He knew only one person would be in there, especially at this time of the day. Nobody was even allowed to go in there; not without the owner's permission. So naturally, Jimin quietly opened the door, making sure it wasn't squeaking. He put his foot in and---


"Oh, g-good morning, h-hyung." Jimin was surprised. Damn, I thought I got him this time.

"What are you doing here?"

Jimin padded over to his hyung in the computer chair. He took the only stool in the room, the one his hyung used to prop his feet up whenever he needed to rest his back or nap for a bit, and sat beside his hyung. "I was just going to stretch. I'm sore everywhere."

His hyung turned to look at him. "Are you okay? I knew you weren't warmed up enough for yesterday's stage." He frowned.

"Nah, I'm good." Jimin chuckled. The concern his hyung was showing was nice. Not that he wasn't used to it, though. He knew his hyung always had a softer side. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I never left," he said, rubbing his eyes. They were starting to dry up from him staring at the computer screen for too long. "I wanted to finish this track before I slept, but I couldn't get the mix quite right..." his voice trailed off as he scratched the back of his head, a little frustrated at how things were turning out. He needed to sleep too, dammit.

"Just to let you know, Yoongi hyung, it's almost the break of dawn already." Jimin stood up and walked to the back of the computer chair. "I know you had inspiration when you started, but you need to sleep. We have a plane to catch after lunch, remember?" He removed Yoongi's hands from his head and started giving him a scalp massage. "You might pass out before we even leave for the airport."

Yoongi sighed, leaning back on the chair and into Jimin's touch. Everything felt better. "I know, I should be sleeping right now..." He brought his hands up to place them on top of Jimin's softly, not wanting the relaxing sensation to stop. "...But I have to finish this," he said with a more determined tone.

Jimin stopped massaging Yoongi. He sighed, looking down at Yoongi, only to find his hyung looking up at him, too. They shared a moment of silence, looking only into each other's eyes, before they broke eye contact. "An idea came to me just now. I'll be finished in less than an hour," Yoongi looked back at the computer screen. "Want to wait for me?"

When the younger doesn't respond, he looks up to check if he was paying attention, only to find him yawning. Still holding Jimin's hands, Yoongi pulls Jimin to his side, gesturing for him to sit down on the stool. "A-ahh-sorry, hyung. It's just a bit of sleepiness leftover from last night," he said, wiping his eyes. "I'll wait for you."

Yoongi frowned. "Last night? This morning, you mean. We slept at, like, 2am already." He swivels his chair back to his working position and pats his shoulder. "Come on."

"You sure?" Jimin's eyes widened a bit since this was new to him. "I don't want to be a burden, hyung."

Yoongi clicked his tongue. "You never are, Jiminie. Now come on, you need to rest. You're not that heavy, anyway."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Jimin snorted. He leaned forward, propped his elbow up on one arm of the computer chair, and gently lowered his head on Yoongi's shoulder. He was already feeling drowsy, but he needed to say one last thing before the darkness took over. "Thank you, hyung," he whispered.

With eyes trained on the mix he was starting to edit, Yoongi smiled. He side-eyed the sleeping boy on his shoulder and whispered back, "Thank you, Jiminie."

Yoongi poured every ounce of his energy left into finishing the track. He had lost every bit of inspiration through the hours he stayed in his studio, cramped up in his workspace with stiffness and stillness, the light too small to bring him any enlightenment as to what he was supposed to do next. And just when all hope was lost, the inspiration he needed tried slipping in through the door to pay him a visit.

The air around him shifts and changes when Jimin walks in his space. Everything becomes clearer; no more gray clouds of indecision and doubt filling his mind; no more headaches and eyesores and weariness from all the work he was doing. Everything always became better when he was around.

Jimin was more than one of Yoongi's huge soft spots. He was more than the company Yoongi needed in times of loneliness. He was more than the light Yoongi needed to see beauty with. Because beauty itself was within him.

Jimin was both the inspiration Yoongi had lost and the inspiration he needed.

Jimin was everything Yoongi always wanted and at the same time everything he already had.

Jimin was, is, and always will be more to Yoongi; more than an inspiration, more than a dream, more than a wish.

"You're my song, Jiminie."

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