Don't touch my hazza

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Naughty boy: Hey, Cutie *touches harry's shoulder*

Harry: uhhh

Niall: *peaks* *calls Louis* calling for duty, mister tommo somebody touching Harry's shoulder

Louis: *mad* I'm on my way to Harry Mr. Captain Nialler

Louis: *show ups* HEY YOU LITTLE GUY DON'T EVER TOUCH MY HAZZA! *grabs him* *punches him* *kicks  him* *throws him*

Zayn: Naughty boy!

Zayn: What did you do to him!?

Louis: *playing innocent* Hazza and I just playing boxing.😊😊

Zayn: I saw you were punching him!

Louis: *fake gasps* Oh I thought he was a punching bag.

Liam: uhm guys what's goin' on?

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