Liam: TOMMO!
Liam: 'm bored
Louis: Let's play a game!
Liam: What's the name called?
Louis: Banana
Liam: Uhmmm how to play it?
Louis: whenever if I tell you a question just answer banana but if you don't you're gonna lose.
Liam: sounds fun
Louis: *puts money on floor* here 10 pounds. If you lose, it's already mine but if I lose it's all yours.
Liam: *puts money over louis' money* ok let's do it
Louis: who's first?
Liam: me!
Louis: okay tell me a question.
Liam: what's your name?
Louis: Banana!
Liam: how old are you?
Louis: Banana!
Liam: How many times did I questioned you?
Louis: Banana!
Liam: Who's love of your life?
Louis: My hazza!
Liam: AH YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAY BANANA! Ahhhhahahahaha *takes all money*
Louis: hmph. my turn
Liam: ok
Louis: What's your name?
Liam: Banana!
Louis: uhm How old are you?
Liam: Banana!
Louis: Who's love of your life?
Liam: Banana!
Liam: AHAHA I'M THE WINNER *takes the money*
Louis: Wait!
Louis: money or banana? *takes out a banana*
Liam: BANAna.......
Liam: *pouts* not fair
Hope you like it!