On Three

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You stand on a balcony at Stark Tower glancing down to the ground many feet below.

'Ok I'm just in spirit form. So I can fly. Right?' You say to yourself as you sweat nervously.

'Count of three.'

'One.' You step up onto the railing balancing yourself.

'Two.' You take in a large breath.

'Three.' You leap off the tall building as you feel the wind hit your face. You concentrate as hard as you can and open your eyes to see your feet floating just above the ground.

'Thank Artemis.' You breath out.

'Now to find the real Loki.' You say as you begin to run down the abandoned streets of New York. You see multiple Loki's with groups of terrified humans.

You scan each one not seeing his true aura. You keep running and running.

"Kneel!" You hear a loud voice shout. You turn a corner and see him.

'You'll pay you bastard.' You grumble as you stomp towards him. He laughs viciously. You don't have enough power in this form to bring him down. But you can weaken his magic from within. You stand right in front of his evil figure and concentrate all your energy.

'Lokiiii.' You sing deeply.

You instantly see his eyes go wide.

"Who's there!? Who dares messes with their King!?" He shouts as everyone looks confused.

'You are no king. Your brother is a true king. Odin should have let you rot in that prison. Who could ever love an ugly beast like you.' You say viciously. It's harsh but it's the only way to weaken him.

"Stop hiding in the shadows! Face me you coward!" He shouts looking in every direction.

'Oh if I would I could. But you took that away from me! My free will. I trusted you! But you proved them all right. You're just a worthless. Frostgiant! That no one will ever love!' You scream in his head as loud as You can.

"SHUT UP YOU WITCH!" He screams as he falls to his knees.

'That should do it.' You say as you run at full speed back to Stark tower. Before you make it your vision becomes black.

"Y/N?" You hear a familiar voice say. You open your eyes to see Stephen above you.

"It worked. You're ok." Stephen says as he helps you off the bed you were laying on. You look down to see the gross attire Loki put you in. You quickly cross your hands over your chest.

"Perhaps before we continue would there be any other clothes I may wear?" You ask awkwardly.

"Oh um. JARVIS?" He asks avoiding your gaze.

"I will send some clothes to the lab. They are appropriate for fighting as well." JARVIS informs us.

"Thank you!" You say into the air. You stand up and gaze back to your chest.

"I- uh." You say awkwardly. Stephen's cape flies off him and wraps around your body covering your chest.

"Oh thank you." You say gratefully to them.

"I'm sorry for what I caused." You say looking over to Tony and Steve.

"You love him don't you." You say looking back to Stephen.

"I- what. N-No he's just a f-friend." He stutters out.

"It's ok. Your secret is safe with me." You say as you wink. 

"Can you heal them. We really need them in this fight." He says looking at Tony sadly.

"Yeah. It might take about an hour on each. I destroyed their minds..." You say trailing off. You feels The cape lightly pat me on the cheek.

"It wasn't your fault Y/N." He says sweetly.

"Strange we could really use your skills down here!" You hear Blackwidow shout through his ear piece.

"You two go. I'll start healing them. And Stephen?"

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Thank you." You say smiling as him and the cape leave. You see a set of clothes on a table in the lab across the hallway. You quickly walk over and pick them up. It has black and red as the main colours. You quickly shut the lab door and rip the stupid Loki suit off. You glance at it angrily and chuck in on the floor roughly. You slip the suit on with ease. It has long boots built into the fabric that go past your knees. The suit covers everything from your hands to your feet. All of it black and red. It has a hood built into it and you realise a mask on the floor that fell out.

"I thought it would be best to hide your identity miss L/N." You hear JARVIS say. You look into a mirror and smile. Full protection and no boobs hanging out.

"How do I look?" You say laughing.

"Stunning miss L/N." JARVIS says and you giggle and walk out of the room. You immediately head into the room where Steve and Tony lay.

You sit down in the middle of both of them. You don't have time to do each at a time. Guess it'll have to be both at once.

You take their hands in yours and shut your eyes to concentrate. You go deep within their minds and memories. Repairing each one as you go.

Time skip.

One last step.

"B-Bucky." You hear Steve mutter, you make quick work and finally reach your way out of their minds. You retract your hands and stand staring at them. Their eyes slowly open.

"What the fuck." Tony groans holding his head.

"Language Tony." Steve mutters sitting up. Tony's eyes meet mine. Thankfully you're wearing your hood and mask so he doesn't know who you are.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks before you can answer JARVIS beats you to it.

"Y/N L/N sir." JARVIS says. His eyes grow with anger and he rushes up from his bed pinning you to the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" He shouts in your face.

"Answer me witch!" You shoved him across the room with brute strength.

"Don't call me that!" You shout angrily.

"JARVIS. Prepare a prison!" Tony shouts.

"But sir-

"Now JARVIS!" He shouts again.

"Tony. Calm down. Just hear what she has to say." Steve says coming to your rescue. 

"Do you have any idea what I just went through. My deepest fears and memories were brought up!" He shouts standing up and storming over to Steve.

"Me too Tony! I had to see Bucky die! AGAIN!" He shouts as tears escape his eyes. 

"Please. I'm so so sorry. Loki. He had me under control." You say quietly staring at the ground.

"Why should we believe you?" Tony asks sharply.

"Because I'm the only one who can take him down and I want him caught just as much as you. Or even more." You say walking up to both of them.

"I will not go back into a prison. Ever. Again."

Prisoner. Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now