2 The John

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Haego finally found a good school for her son after searching online. The school is near where she works and she can drop off and pick him up after work. It's an expensive school but with her new job, she can manage to pay for it. Apartment rent, her mother and son's maintenance medicine, and bills. She had broken her back for the last 2 and half years working. The job she was offered due to a beautiful accident had certainly come at a time when her son need to start with school. A special school.

She looked at her sleeping son's face. Her son, Kim Taehyung II looks as handsome as his father is. When he sleeps like this, Haego can say he is just like a normal kid...except he has ear plugs for noise cancelling. Her son has autism and can't take unfamiliar voices or any sound he is not used to. His tantrums are triggered if a foreign sound disturbs his own world. But the school she chose would help him overcome this...she kissed him good night and slept with a smile on her face.


'I have prepared lunchbox for you! Here...', Aunt Melly said.

'Thanks Omma. I'll make sure to eat on time...', she said as she kissed her mother goodbye.

She went to her son who was sitting on the table quietly listening to all of his dad's song as he eats breakfast. She gently kissed him goodbye too.

Her son has never spoken as well. Nobody knows if he just refuses to speak or if he really does not know how to speak...he was never guided properly in his condition. Only Haego's love as a mother has guided him so far and she always think it was never enough.

'Good luck on your first day my child. Do your best as always...', Aunt Melly said and hugged Haego before she went out the door.


'I'm glad you made it through Haego. I knew I was never wrong in recommeding you', the manager of the ESL Institute welcomed her personally.

'I'm glad to be working here and finally use my experience as an English teacher.', Haego answered back.

'It's a pleasure to have you. We hope you will like our company...', the GM finished in English.

Then her secretary came in and showed Haego her own desk. The secretary also showed her the entire school and gave her materials she will need for her class that she will start next week. Since she was one of those who are experienced in teaching, she will be given special students...trainees from entertainment companies who wanted to have their future idols fluent in English language.

Haego was looking at the curriculum and deciding on her teaching materials when her desk phone rang.

'Haego can you come to my office now.', the GM asked. She stood up and went to the GM's office. There were 2 other teachers standing there.

'So we have a special request from one of our clients. They are having their first quarter meeting this afternoon and they have unexpected VIP guests who decided to join the assembly, both foreign and Korean investors. To make sure all conversation run smoothly, they are requesting additional interpreters. So we will be sending you.'

All three teachers, including Haego nodded in response. She was so pumped up with her first important work.

'You can wait at the parking lot in the third floor. Their company is sending over one of their vans to pick you up. Good luck and hope you also give a good impression for our school.', the GM said as they dismissed them.

'It's very rare for us to really mingle with them. We'll end up doing nothing. Most of these big shots bring their own interpreters with them...we're just back up...', one of the teachers said to Haego.

Haego turned to the other teacher and met the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

'Hi...my name is Tim. I'm your sungbaenim.', he said in Korean.

'Hello, nice to meet you. I'm the new teacher Kim Hae-goo.', she said in return.

'Hi...I'm Park Yoomi. I'm also a sungbaenim...', the third teacher introduced herself and Haego greeted her as well.

'More like a suuuuungbaenim....she's been teaching at this school since it was established.', Tim joked and Yoomi hit his shoulder. They were busy laughing when a black van showed up.

The two teachers, Tim and Yoomi stepped inside the van while Haego remained frozen in place.

'Teacher Haego hurry, the assembly starts at 4 PM. They need to brief us and all that stuff...', Yoomi said.

'Oh...I think she's surprised with the van...but sorry to say this but BTS seldom or almost never attends this stuff even though they are stakeholders already...', Tim said.

They better not. He better not..., she thought as she stepped inside Bighit's van.


The boys' face cannot be painted as they all sport grudging looks except for Jin. Yes they are stockholder's of Bighit but they do not like attending this assembly as there would be a lot of media in the event. Jin attending has always made the headlines even though all he does is smile and entertain the old investors with his dad jokes. They make a circus out of it, how much more if all seven of them are attending. BTS boys hate the circus show but their PD has ordered them to attend as they have been missing it for the last 3 years. The first van carrying Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin arrived and as soon as they stepped out, blinding flashes of camera lights erupted at the entrance of the hotel.

Haego saw Jimin and the rest of his friends but not Taehyung who might be on the second van that parked. Haego cannot breathe anymore because of nervousness. She was freaking out. To see him like this is so wrong..., she thought. Plus the fact that the uniform provided her was not her size and seems to be choking her all over. She ran to the nearest comfort room. But not before Jimin saw her.

Jimin was trying to look cool as the media was taking pictures of them but he lost his cool when he saw HER. What was she doing here? Taehyung!, he immediately thought and frantically made his way back to the van only to find it gone. He looked around and did not see Taehyung.

'Where is Taehyung?', he asked the driver.

'He requested to be dropped at the other entrance because he wanted to go the comfort room first...', the driver of the first van answered.

Jimin turned around and smiled and posed for pictures but he was also covertly excusing himself from the chaos.

'Jimin what's going on?',' Namjoon asked through a smile.

'Trouble hyung...trouble...I need to find Taehyung now and take him home.', Jimin answered through big smiles and poses.

'Okay then...', Namjoon smiled as he slowly pushed Jimin out of the chaos. One reporter wanted to follow him but Namjoon stopped him and said to give him privacy going to the comfort room.

Jimin almost ran to the nearest bathroom on the other entrance and when he turned to the corner where the john is, he met Taehyung on the way...and his face was livid. Just a few steps behind, Jimin saw HER...Haego white as a ghost.

'Taehyung...are..are you alright?', Jimin asked.

'I'm okay let's go', Taehyung said coldly.

But Haego walked faster and was about to overtake them towards the main hall. Taehyung suddenly grabbed her hand and stopped her.

'Remember I told you to leave. Get out of this place, get out of Korea.', Taehyung seethed with anger as he said those words.

Haego tried to break free but Taehyung's grip was so tight its hurting her.

'Taehyunga, there is media just a few steps away. Please let's not do this here...', Jimin said.

Taehyung let go of Haego's hand.

'I'm warning you, if I see you again you'll be sorry. I'll make you pay for your betrayal.', Taehyung said and walked away.

Jimin looked at Haego confused if he should at least greet her or not. He decided to walk away like Taehyung.

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