chapter 6

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Kakashi POV

"S rank mission is fine but will this kid even catch up?" I asked Minato sensei jabbing a finger at Obito. "He will be fine just don't quarrel too much and yeah." Minato sensei scratched the back of his head as we dispersed to our houses to prepare. I glanced at Obito who was tying her scarf on her neck then holding her hand and running back to the Uchiha compound. 

I felt a sense of jealousy overwhelm me, I glared daggers at the Uchiha and walked back home. "Tadaimasu*." I kicked my shoes off and walked into my room and retrieved all of my weapons and walked out of the house to the meeting point. 

Emilia POV

"OBITO FASTER OR I AM LEAVING YOU BEHIND!" I yelled at him. I continued tying my wraps on the legs and put on arm warmers. I wore a grey tee and purple sweater with a chest-length blue jacket. I tightened the strap on my katana and slipped on a pair of black ninja sandals. "BYE BYE OBITO SEE YA LATER!" I said cheerily and left the house of course not before saying goodbye to grandma.

"Scroll, Tentai no mura* and come back." I nodded to myself and twiddled my fingers nervously our first S rank mission we cannot give up! I walked to my squad and the moment I reached there a tired and sweaty Obito ran to us. "I... I here!" He panted. I smiled and made the peace sign and off we go.


We reached the far outskirts of the star village, and there I saw the girl with a white shawl on her head. "You must be the Shinobi we paid to take our scroll to your village for safe keeping." We nodded our head in sync Kakashi not included. (Sounds like the advertisement on TV for toys.) She nodded her head and motioned us to follow her. We walked past a lot of bushes and stuff and we stopped in front of nothing? 

She placed her hand on the air and chanted in a different language and the air rippled and a door opened. She stepped in and so did we, I step onto the rocky ground and looked up and saw an entire village. Tentei no Mura was in a bubble like lettering. We stepped into a bubble and the gadget showed us where to go. 

We put in our shinobi ID and stated we are the shinobi for the S rank mission. The bubbled we are encased in showed us what kind of scroll is that and the legend of this village. "Tentai no mura is like the star village just pretty much hidden only the Kage's know where we live. The star village is this village sister and a branch. 

The Tentei no mura is a place for shinobi to put their most sacred scroll if the scroll is deemed as dangerous, it would be sent to the Kage's for safekeeping because of our village. We have very big trust issues and therefore we only trust the Kage's. The scroll you are taking is called Henko no Sukuroru*.

The scroll is by far the most dangerous and important scroll, it has been here for decades maybe centuries but the scroll has not seen the light of day. Our own villagers have been trying to take the scroll hoping something special, therefore we cannot trust all of them so the scrolls have to go to the Hokage because I don't trust the others that much. " The girl explained to us.

We walked to the safe and she opened the door with a scanner thing. The door opened revealing a small red scroll, explosive tags surrounded the safe when trip-wired. I lifted my leg and crossed the other side and then weaving under and over and to the side. Sometimes, I thank god that my karate and gym lessons help me. Does karate help? I don't think so right.

I back flipped and landed in the middle with a block of quartz and the scroll. I input the correct password and the casing opened. I grabbed the scroll and tossed the scroll to Kakashi, I jumped over two trip-wire and used chakra to walk on the ceiling. I jumped down the moment I reached half of the way and weaved up and down through the not laser maze but trip-wire maze WHICH IS HELLA WORST! 

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