Chapter 17: The new guy in Team 7!?

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Chapter 17: The new guy in Team 7? Why the freak is he here! Don't take my Emilia away! 

Italics are Emilia thoughts. Tee hee

Emilia POV

I sighed as I walked out of the house and walked sleepily. I decided on being lazy so I teleported myself there. "Hokage sama. (A/N: This is making me sleep too.) I kicked the door open and slouched on the wall as I looked around and hit my head on the wall to wake me up. "Hey, what are you doing now? " "what does it look like I am doing huh? " "Hitting your head on the wall?" "Duh. Now shush I have to concentrate on waking myself and my brain up Obito. I stood up a bit wonky from the hitting and clearly wide awake too. "Today team 7 will have a temporary member until he finds another group of Genins and his name is Tachi Kurosawa please welcome him with warm hands. Well, off you go people shoo shoo... Wow, he sounds like an old man doing that. Oh, wait he is an old man I forgot.

I walked with them as I was given a picture of him. Tachi (A/N: My OC name Tachi auto-correct to Rachel. I think because I kept searching up on 'Rachel Gardner' (Edited the name thanks to my bestie here) wait YuTingFang I spell her last name correctly right?) I knitted my eyebrows and curled my fingers into a fist and smack it on my hand. "He looks like my older twin brother somehow... " I said suspicion lacing my words. I waved the thought away and continued walking with them and we reached the meeting point and I saw the boy, silver hair and onyx eyes. I looked at him and looked at the picture continuously, "OI! THE BOY THERE. NOT YOU THE OTHER ONE. NOT YOU... AH YES, YOU!" I shouted from where I was and saw the boy looking around and pointing at himself, Obito snickered at his actions. 

"You are... uh..." I leaned over to Kakashi. "What is his name again?" "Tachi Kurosawa." "Oh Yah!" I curled my fingers to a fist and smacked it with my palm. He walked to us and I smiled and grabbed his hand and shook his hand and then walking back to Kakashi. 


Tachi followed them as they walked to training ground 3 to meet their sensei and get to know each other I guess. Emilia elbowed Kakashi and then stepped on Obito's feet to get them to stand still. Tachi fought a blush as he watched Emilia laugh.  Kakashi glared at him from the corner of his eyes and fought against himself to try not to hug Emilia after all they broke up.  Emilia pointed at the training ground 600 meters away, "The last one there is a rotten potato!" Emilia shouted and sped off, she purposely slowed down and let them pass. 

We are winning raced across everyone's minds. But this is reality and reality isn't the same as what is going to really happen. Emilia's mouth turned up to a smirk and ran past them leaving them in the dust and then standing at the training ground at the next second. "Seems like I am first again eh Obito." Obito balled his fist and ran trying to run faster than Kakashi and Tachi. Obito reached the end and he huffed and puffed like a choo-choo train. The steam smoke thing.  Kakashi glanced at him and gave him the peace sign signalling him as second and he in third. 

Rin ran to them eventually and Tachi became the last because he was distracted by a red squirrel in the tree because he has major ADHD and you can see where that led to. "You are the rotten potato," Emilia pointed to him and smiled at him. He felt a weird feeling in his chest, his heartbeat was going faster and his face was burning hot. Kakashi noticed this and glared daggers at him and turned away grabbing Emilia's arm. 

"Is Kakashi jealous?" Obito whispered to Rin and she nodded, "The Mighty Kakashi is jealous. Ohohohohoho." They laughed silently as they opened their ears to try to find out what is going on. "So... Emilia. Do you want... Do you want to..." Kakashi stuttered out but not finding the words to say. Emilia smiled and lifted his headband and flicked his forehead and walked off to Obito and Rin. Kakashi rubbed his forehead and smiled a little smile before pulling his headband back. 

"So, introduce yourself." Minato sensei said and started off the same way. "I am Minato Namikaze, call me Minato sensei. I like my wife, Kushina, and her home cooked food my dislikes are I have no dislikes and my hobbies are training and reading. My dream is to become Hokage. "

"I am Emilia Argen. My likes are drawing, training, talking about nonsensical stuff and sleeping. My dislikes are anything that is bitter and my dream is to become the Hokage's right-hand ma-women. My hobbies are now and officially reading even though you have never seen me do it before and drawing. My dream is to become the FIRST female HOKAGE!" 

"My name is Obito Uchiha and my likes are Emilia, Rin and my grandmother. My dislikes are bakashi and people who abandon their comrades. My hobbies are training my dream is to be Hokage too just like the two of them!"Obito draped his arm on Emilia's left shoulder and smiled at Minato sensei. 

"My name is Rin Nohara. My likes are my friend Emilia and Obito and Kakashi. My dislikes are people who abandon their friends and backstabbers. My hobbies are hanging out with my team and my dream is to become a fully fledged medical ninja." 

"I am Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes are none of your concern, my hobbies... I have a lot and my dreams for the future I never thought about it." All of us anime fell at his introduction, like ever since the Kannabi bridge mission thing happened Kakashi sort of became lazy and very discreet. 

"I am Tachi Kurosawa. My likes are dango, sleeping and reading my dislikes are nothing because I like everything. My hobbies are cooking and my dreams is to become the best shinobi in Konoha!" He smiled. Well, from my knowledge (THE ULTIMATE AUTHOR IS TALKING PLEASE RESPECT HER VIEW YA!) I will reveal everyone's rank down here ------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Emilia Argen 
Rank: Jounin 

Kakashi Hatake

Rank :Jounin

Minato Namikaze (Minato sensei)
Rank: Jounin 

Obito Uchiha
Rank: Chuunin 

Rin Nohara
Rank: Chuunin

Tachi Kurosawa 
Rank: Genin. 


The cold hard truth. It seems that their sensei didn't let them go for the chuunin exams because she didn't believe in their abilities. Emilia and Kakashi and Minato high five each other, Rin and Obito high fived each other and Tachi is just a lonely guy who has no one to high five. Until Emilia high fived him and he got someone to high five (YuTingFang sounds like a certain someone we know. ) 

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