Chapter 24: Christmas! Hallelujah!

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It was the day of what Emilia calls the day of the hallelujah she would wake up and start singing it in the morning as she annoys her friends Obito, Rin and Kakashi but who would be more annoyed.

It is none other than Kakashi Hatake, she enjoys annoying people and it is a wonder on how she manages to survive in the shinobi world but oh well.  She jumped out of bed in her favourite Pikachu onesie and don't judge her she loves pikachu and she worships him.

She ran into Obito's room as she quickly put on her Christmas hat on her head sloppily and still in her Pikachu onesie she screamed, no sang at Obito's ear.

"HALLELUJAH!" She screamed like a cough, banshee, cough. Obito shot out of bed with a startled expression that made Emilia clutch her stomach and roll around the ground laughing and by accident hitting her still injured arm because she literally hit it against a table just now and there she goes hitting the door frame.

The door closed and her fingers were caught in that gap and she cried silently and she pried her fingers out of the gap and she blew her finger and shook it furiously while Obito laughed at her.

Emilia glared at him and he held out his hands in mock surrender and Emilia laughed and saw what he was wearing. "Wearing a Pikachu onesie too?" He laughed sheepishly and nodded.

Emilia looked at him with proud filled eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder and made the thumbs up sign, "We are of the same kind." They laughed in the room cheerfully and the door wide open.

Today is Christmas which means Emilia send a box and a letter for everyone to meet today and in the box is a Eevee onesie for Rin and a bulbasaur onesie. Don't judge her choice of clothing.

In the letter they specified on meeting at Obito's House for a sleepover and they all agreed on the timing and decided to come exactly at the time they said if not she will explode and pull them by their ear and give them an earful.


Emilia started to set up the dvds by the side of the television and started to look at the watch and decided to go out to buy food due to their grandma absence as she went to stay with her friend for a day for our sleepover.

When she came back, they were sitting down in a circle and they were playing spin the bottle[1] or so she thought. When she places the take out food on the table and came back she sat down and asked them.

"What are you playing? Spin the bottle?" Obito smirked and Emilia saw it and she smiled darkly, "Oh this huh Obito you have been with me for too long," they high five and Emilia spun the bottle on the ground.

The bottle pointed at Kakashi, "Kakashi, truth or dare?" Kakashi started to think a little but deciding to impress Emilia and also add on to his ego too. "Dare." it was expected from him.

"I dare you to run around half naked Konoha shouting, I love life," Emilia said and Kakashi's face paled and Obito laughed at him along with Rin which she giggled and her cheeks turned faint red. Oh geez, totally forgot Kakashi's fangirls longed to see him half naked...oh fudge.

They ran out of the house as Kakashi started to scream I love life loudly and around Konoha half naked which got noticed obviously by Minato sensei because the screaming was so loud.

When he came back, he zipped his onesie back and his face was red with embarrassment and he sat on the floor with a face that says, I hate you.

Obito took the bottle and and spun it and it landed on Emilia, "Truth or dare?" Emilia pursed her lips and thought for a while, "Dare." Obito and Rin smirked and he said, "I dare you to... Kiss Kakashi on the lips."

Kakashi turned bright red and so did Emilia, they turned to look at each other and deciding to get over this quickly, Emilia grabbed a the collar of Kakashi's onesie and kissed him on the lips for 5 seconds and released. Emilia huffed and looked away with a still red face.

Kakashi spun the bottle and it landed on Emilia again. Emilia face planted the floor and she groaned inwardly and looked at him, "Dare..." "I dare you... To be my girlfriend," he finished and held out a bouquet of roses and kneeled down on one leg and has his eyes closed nervously.

Emilia looked at him with a shocked face and covered her mouth with both hands and she smiled warmly at him with tears flowing out of her eyes as she nodded, "Yes Kakashi. Yes," she finished and she hugged Kakashi burying her head on Kakashi's shoulders and Kakashi hugged her back.

Emilia released from the hug and kissed him on the cheeks as she wiped her tears furiously and smiled at him. The other two stared at them with happiness and was also shocked when they saw him with a bouquet of roses behind him when Obito altered the letter putting a game of truth and dare without Emilia knowing.

Obito grabbed the bottle and spun it and the cap pointed to Rin and he smirked, "I choose Dare Obito," Obito walked towards her and kneeled down holding his hand out, "I dare you... To love me forever" Emilia and Kakashi made small laughter at the way he confessed but Rin took it.

It wasn't long when it was time for movies, they shuffled to the sofa with the food Infront of them and the seat arrangement were arranged by Kakashi and Emilia to sit together while the other two sit together.

They watched a movie called 'The greatest showman' they sat together and watched while they are food and it was a story about...I am not sure never watched it before so... I don't know someone tell me how the movie goes so...

When the movie finished, Obito and Rin looked beside them and saw the two of them sleeping together, Emilia's head was on Kakashi's shoulders and their hands are together. Kakashi's hand in on top of Emilia's one.

Obito carried Kakashi and Rin carried Emilia to their beds when they only have two beds. They placed the two of them together on the bed and there was a shuffling sound and Kakashi was hugging her waist and sleeping. Emilia hands were on his arms.

This to the four of them was the most perfect Christmas ever. It didn't involve gifts because this were their gifts.

[1] Spin the bottle is a game which someone has to spin a bottle doesn't matter what kind and they will sit in a circle. The person will spin the bottle and if it lands on the person, the person has to kiss the person beside him or her

I rushed through this in one day when I found out Christmas is going to come and I am still overseas. Yes, I am using 4G WiFi. It is cringy and I know...

So enjoy your Christmas this year! Enjoy!

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