Moving Day

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Davina P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. It's moving day. I mean sure it felt sad to leave my bestest friends behind, but I miss my brother and mom.
"Good morning dad" I said to my dad who was still sad that I was leaving but knew that I wasn't a teenager anymore.
"Good morning Vee" he said sadly.
"I know your gonna miss me dad and I'm going to miss you too but I miss scott I haven't seen him in person in 5 years." I explained.
"I know honey... I just feel like I might be alone..." he stated.
"Your not going to be alone dad. You have Genesis." I said wiggling my brows.
" oh stop it." He replied

2hrs later

*doorbell rings"
"JOSHIE, CAMILLE, HALEY, HOPE" I screamed as my best friends and god daughter were in on the porch.

I already said my goodbyes to the guys at Russo's and Joe and the rest of the mikaelsons. My dad doesn't know about me or them. I'm a French quarter witch. It's passed down from my dads side and josh is a vampire, Haley is a hybrid of a wolf and vampire, Hope is a trybrid (wolf, vampire, witch) and Camille is a vampire.
"Oh I'm gonna miss you so much Hopie" I say.
"What about us?" Camille says.
"Obviously I'm gonna miss my best friends. I love you guys so much!!"

I already sent my furniture and things to Derek's loft which I cannot thank him enough for letting me stay with him. My flight boards in 4 hours so we are all going for lunch.

4 hours later

I am on my plane and it's going to take 4 hours to get from NOLA to LAX. Before I boarded I texted scott and my mom that I'm boarding and told them that I love them. I texted my friends saying goodbye as well. I will definitely mis my family in New Orleans, but I miss my family in Beacon Hills. I sit here and think about Derek. I mean I liked him a lot. From the FaceTimes to the good morning texts 2 hours after I'm already up to the calls where I can hear his soft but amazing voice. His green eyes through the camera are enchanting. I wonder what there going to be like in reality. I wonder if his raven hair is darker in person. I also think about my brother. 5 years. That change a lot in a person. I mean I should know. I found out I was a witch. What if so was scott. What if he inherited something from my dads side. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Maybe not. Maybe not. I mean he would've told me right? I mean assuming I would tell dad or never talk to him again maybe he wouldn't tell me. Okay davina your just being paranoid nothing is going to happen. And just like that the plane ride came to an end fortunately for me. I cant wait to get off this stupid plane. I quickly texted the group chat with my friends and my dad that I've landed safely and I miss them already. I texted my brother and mom that I've landed. LA is a one hour drive to Beacon Hills. It's currently 6:30 pm and I'm walking over to the arrival pick up area.

"DAVINA!!" I hear someone shout in front of me.

I see him. Scott and he looks just like he did in the FaceTimes and I saw my momma. I missed her so much!! I ran to them and hugged them tightly. I look beside them and see stiles and the sheriff. I hug them too. I missed them all so much. I look behind them to see Derek. My Derek. I walk up to him shyly and hug him tightly as he returns the warm embrace. When we pull away he decides to ruin the moment and says, " Wow.. your shorter in person" I smack his arm playfully as we all laugh at his comment. They came in two cars. A sleek black one which I hoped I would ride in and a Toyota SUV.

"So davina we thought you might want to ride with Derek and go to the loft to freshen up and then you both can come to our house for dinner." Mom suggested. I nodded my head looking at Derek with a look questioning 'which car are we going to sit in'. He opens up the trunk of his black camaro that I was still in awe of and puts in my carry on suitcase inside and opens the passenger seat for me with a small smile as I mutter a thank you.
He gets in the drivers seat and turns on the car. He looks more hotter in person I thought.

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