I was on my way home from studying with Abigail and Pierce. When I got home I had gotten a surprise. My little sister, Jade was home from second grade camp! She wasn't supposed to come home for another two weeks. My whole family (my sister, mom, dad and me) went for dinner. We all went in my parents mini van. I parked the mini van when we got there and Jade 'n my parents went inside to get our table. I thought this was a happy ending of a story but it only just started to begin
It was very dark outside compared to where I used to live. I didn't see the car in front of me when I was driving very fast. I was driving fast because I hadn't eaten all day and I wanted to eat already!
I felt a weird feeling in my leg like I had gotten a bad cramp or something. I had crashed into the car in front of me. All of a sudden I started getting super sleepy and just knocked out.
I woke up in a really bright place and felt cold and scared.
My parents and Jade came running and huddled over me. They looked scared but happy and surprised. They called loudly "NURSE" "NURSE." I was really confused, I mean seriously, who names there kid Nurse?...Then I understood, I was in a hospital after that little car crash. My parents asked me if I felt better. I said "Never better" sarcastically. I looked down to my feet, but only saw one.
"MOM! MOM!!!! WHAT HAPPENED, WHERES MY OTHER FOOT!!!!!" I know sweetheart its bad she said trying to hold in from her sobbing. It turned out it wasn't just a little accident.
The nurse came and checked me out to make sure I was doing fine. I couldn't really remember anything except for my leg hurting and getting sleepy. So my leg must have lost circulation and they probably had to cut it off. It sounds terrible doesn't it?
My parents said that I had a visitor, but I screamed "I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY VISITORS!!!!" My parents left me alone for a few minutes. Those were the worst minutes of my life! I just stayed in bed sobbing and starring at the walls while they felt like they were closing in on me and the room was shrinking.
My parents came in after I was finished crying and they told me that I had a visitor that really wanted to see me. So they sent the strange unknown visitor inside my room. A tall brown headed boy with hazel green eyes walked into the room and he was acturally pretty good looking. "This is Lance." said my mom. "LANCE WHO!" I said angrily. My mom gave me a angry look and and mouthed words saying "BE NICE!"
My parents left the room and that boy said "Hi I'm Lance." "YEAH I know!" I said. "Hows everything?" Lance said. "TERRIBLE IT YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED!" I said. "Well you might be wondering who I am, right?" "I DONT CARE who you are, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" "Im sorry that this happened to you, I'm paying a ton of fees and your parents are going to sue me, but they thought it would be a good idea for me to meet you." "WAIT fees AND my parents Suing YOU! DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!??!" I said. "IM SO SO SO SO SORRY LUNA, IM JUST.. JUST.. SORRY..." he said sadly. " How do you know my name?!?!" I said." Your parents told me but IM SO SORRY.. I HAVE TO GO!" He said fast and ran out of the room faster than Ive ever seen anyone run! I started hyperventilating and called my parents. I told them that they shouldn't have sent him in here and I never want to see him ever. All that stuff that I'll probably forget by tomorrow morning.