Butterfly Kisses

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I'm warning you now. This is a feels. Like major. It's 2 boys from each. Love you guys :)



It was the day of your wedding, and you couldn’t be happier. For all the things Michael had done wrong in the years you had known him, he must have done something right, because you could not be more in love.

               He grabbed your hand, brushing his thumb over your wedding band before looking back up at you and smiling, leading you out to the dance floor. Things got quiet and people moved out of the way as Michael grabbed one of your hands and put his other on your waist. Music filled the foom as you cuddled your head into your best friend's chest.

               “For butterfly kisses, after bedtime prayer, sticking little while flowers all up in her hair…” The music faded in the background as you and Michael swayed back and forth. It wasn’t many times you got to have moments like this with him, but there were the ones you’d cherish forever.


               It was a lazy day after practice, the other boys leaving to go do a little recording for album #4, leaving you and Niall alone in the dressing rooms. You were both lounging on the couch when Niall offered up a game of ping-pong. “You’re on, Horan,” you smiled.

               After an intense 17 minutes and 3 matches later, you were victorious. “YES!,” you screamed, throwing your paddle down and your arms up, spinning in circles. It was then that Niall came up behind you, throwing his hands around your body in a tackle, catching you completely off guard and causing you to fall flat on your face.

               You rolled over on the floor, laughing as you starred up into his deep blue eyes hanging over you. He leaned down, burying his head into your neck, making you giggle as he repeatedly batted his soft eyelashes over your sensitive skin. He lifted his head and looked you in the eyes. “What was that?,” you giggled. “Butterfly kisses for my butterfly baby,” he smiled, kissing you on the nose. You weren’t really sure what that meant, but you loved it none the less.


               You watched from afar as Harry tied little pink ribbons into your daughter’s tiny curly pigtails. She’d giggle every time he would, loving her daddy more than she could explain. When he was finished, he turned her around in his arms, smiling as her chubby cheeks and dimpled smile came into view. She reached for his hands, fiddling with them in her own. After a minute or so, she lifter her head, her green eyes meeting his own.

               “I love you Darcy,” he said quietly. She smiled sheepishly, climbing further into his lap, laying her head against his chest. “I love you too, Daddy.” He smiled, running his large hands through her brunette curls, so much resembling his own. He held her close to his large, toned chest, softly singing.

There’s two things I know for sure,

She was sent here from heaven,

And she’s daddy’s little girl.

As I drop to my knees by her bed at night,

She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes,

And thank God for all the joy in my life…

“Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it’s my first ride.”

“I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried…”


        You and Calum were wandering the gardens of Australia, eyes lighting up when you saw a large bush covered in beautiful butterflies of all colors. You both closed in on it, him smiling and softly chuckling as two flew out and landed on each of your noses. (A/N- not like you had two noses, but like, yours and his. That just sounded weird and I couldn’t fix it.)

        You looked down at it and shied away smiling as Cal took a picture of you before both butterflies flew away, on to bigger adventures. “Hey Y/N?,” he asked quietly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Yeah Cal?” “How do you think butterflies tell each other they love each other, you know, if they can’t talk of kiss?”

        You turned around and looked up into his eyes. “Sometimes Cal, you don’t need all of that,” the corners of your mouth turning up a little as he stared so intently at your every motion. “Sometimes,” you continued, “Sometimes, you just know.”


WOW. That was intENSE. Anywho, I'm a Niall girl, but I was really feelin that Harry one. If youv'e made it this far, I'd like to thank you for being cool and stuff. :) Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know if I don't suck. Or if I do. I'll respect your opinion, but it's wrong. lol jk love you guys.

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