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"He was always happy ,I mean we never seen not one tear slid down his cheek" (sighs)

"All I'm saying is that there something wrong with him ,I want my little happy bundle of joy back " (tears up )

"That's all I'm asking for "

"So why exactly did you come here today in my office "(pushes up glasses)

"I-I saw your name in the papers this morning and how you help thousands maybe millions of people ,So I thought you could help me "

"I can help you with your problem but... There's a small fee involved "(Takes off glasses and signs ).

"Okay what is it "(breathe heavily )

"3,000 thousand"


"That is for me to Talk ,Help ,Give classes and Feed your brother for a year of the session ,I think the price is quite fair" (puts glasses back on and crosses legs)

"Would you like to go down to 2,000 for a month session "

"No... I'll take the 3,000 deal " (swallows thickly )

"And why is that "

"Cause i... I want my little bundle of joy back "

"Very well then payment is due whenever you feel the need to ,And class will start as soon as you pay "(smiles holding out hand to shake )

(Shakes hand ) "T-thank you so much)


HEY everyone ,Yes I have a new book called Used and Abused to you .

Yes it's sad ,I'm sorry for the other books I'm afraid Imma have to let them go ,I will be deleting Why Me?

But not Dangerously Loving you ,I might just delete some chapters ,So sorry but Why Me ? Just went the wrong way and got boring so imma fix Dangerously Loving You when I give you the notification about the book then if you want you can go back and read it but ,Why Me is being deleted .Sorry and Enjoy This book

And Yes I am replacing Why Me ? With this book .BYE BYE

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