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Hyung👽:I'm outside


Maknae 🍼: Oh shit

Hyung👽: What's wrong

Maknae 🍼:
Yoongi just texted me ,Saying he's on his way home .

Hyung👽:Will you be okay

Maknae🍼:Yea I'll be fine ,Sorry for making you drive all the way out here for nothing .

Hyung👽:Its okay baby bro ,Goodnight .


Jimin looks back at his messages with yoongi and huffs while throwing himself on the couch .

Jimin lays on the couch and waited for yoongi ,Jimin soon fell asleep ,Jimin heard the door open and got up to greet yoongi .

"Hey baby " Jimin yawned

Yoongi didn't say anything ,But cupped jimin's cheeks and kisses him with passion and emotion .

They soon breaks the kiss "What's wrong ,Why did you kiss me like that "Jimin asked helping yoongi to their room.

"Im sorry baby "Yoongi whispers as they walked "What for "Jimin asked laying yoongi on the bed .

"Don't be stupid ,All those times I spent with Kookie and Y/N instead of you ,All those times I hit you ,All those times I kissed you and told you I love and would never hurt you but everyday I leave the house knowing I lefted you on the floor bleeding from the mouth ,And knowing that I'm the reason you cry ,bleed and want to leave ,But I still manage to put a smile on my face when I go places "Yoongi looks Jimin in the eyes and holds his hand .

"I'm sorry baby ,Promise you won't leave "


Yoongi smiles and kisses Jimin softly ,They breaks the kiss and hug ,Jimin cries behind yoongi's back as they hug and quickly wipes away his tears .

"Why are you crying "Yoongi breaks the hug "I'm just-just happy your home "Jimin lied ,He cried cause he wanted to leave yoongi but he just had to make that promise ,A promise could and will never break .



"Im coming ,I'm coming" Jimin yells and opens the door "Wow dirty "Tae smiles "What are you doing here so early "Jimin rubs his eyes .

Yoongi walks passed the door straight to the kitchen "Jiminie baby get away from that door half naked please "Yoongi yelled from the kitchen .

Jimin looked down and forgot he had nothing but yoongi's oversized shirt ,Jimin quickly jumped behind the door .Tae smiled and walked in ,Jimin ran to the room to change .

Yoongi walks out if the kitchen with three cups of coffee sitting two on the table and handed one to tae ,"Good morning "Yoongi smiles and ruffles his hair while still in underwear .

Jimin came back in now wearing pajama pants and a hoodie and still wearing yoongi's shirt .

"So what's your reason "Yoongi asked "Reason for what "Tae asked "Visiting"yoongi sips from his cup .

"Well I was planning to spend time with my brother for the past few weeks ,But all of them has been delayed ,But I came today hoping I can have time with my baby brother "Tae sips his cup .

"Why are you asking ,I have no right to keep him away from you "Yoongi gets up and walks to the room .

"How long will he be with you "Yoongi yells from the room "Two weeks maybe more "Tae drink his tea ,And Jimin shoots his head at tae .

"Two weeks ?"jimin crosses his arm "Yea ,Did you forget "The boxed smiled man asked "Forget what ?"

"That I paid 3,000 won for you to go to this therapist "

"Tae I told you to take your money back and pay for your college funds "

"Fuck that ,You need help ,And even if you stay yoongi's going to get suspicious as to why your leaving everyday ,So I'm taking you with me "Tae smiles .

"Okay ,I packed his bags so he's ready to go "Yoongi smiles and sits on the couch and turns on the tv .

"See you later "Jimin said then grabbed his bag and walked to the door .

"Wait ,Where's my kiss "Yoongi runs to Jimin and kisses him a little to long .

Taehyung clears his throat and interrupted yoongi and jimin's kiss ,"We better get going "Tae opened the door and walks to the car .

As they the car ,Tae just sat there looking at the door of the house "Tae what's wrong "Jimin rubs his brother arm .

"Jimin do you want to come back to place "Tae asked still looking at the door ,"Of course the is my home " Jimin lied he just wanted to leave yoongi .

"Are you sure ,I mean we can leave thus town after the session with Dr. Kim "Tae why are you asking me this "Jimin held his head low .

"CAUSE I KNOW YOONGI IS DOING SOMETHING TO YOU ,I JUST KNOW IT "Tae mentally screamed he wanted to say it out aloud but he just couldn't do it .

"I'm just want to get out of this town ,and it just be the three of us "

"Three of us ?"

"Oh yeah I met someone special ,His name is Hoseok (VHOPE!!!!) "

"You have a boyfriend and didn't tell me "Jimin smiled as Tae pulls out of the driveway .


"He's not my boyfriend ....yet "

"You like him don't you "Jimin poked his arm .

"Shut up "

"Ouuuu Tae Tae~~has a crush !!!!"




THIS chapter was terrible

I don't even know what say about it right now I'm so disappointed in myself.😑😐☹🙁

Sorry for MISSPELLED and mistakes

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