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"Hey mom how you doing , I have my first 3000 won appointment today ,Just to let you know I'm doing fine mom ,How's dad and you going ,don't worry about me , I love you mom, I miss you so much I hope I get to see you once again in life " Namjoon wipes his tears and hangs up the phone .

"Dr. Kim Your 6:00 appointment is here"The assistant Kerry tells "Sir are you okay" She asked as she lets herself in "I'm fine ,Just give me a minute "Kerry nods and walks out .

"Just give him a minute and he'll be right with you "Kerry smiles and walks away .

"This place is nice "Jimin said looking around the place "I know right "Tae smiles "Nevermind he'll see you right away" Kerry smiles "Thank you so much "Tae said as him and jimin bows "He's in room 106 "Tae bowed once again before looking for the room .

Jimin heart raced as they walked to the office ,Once they reached the office ,Jimin froze

"He's -He's beautiful"Jimin whispered "Well thank you "Dr.Kim chuckled as he stands buttoning one button on his suit and held his hand out to shake .

Jimin blushed and shook his hand "Have a seat here and Kerry will go and get us drinks "Dr.Kim smiles and takes his own seat "Nice seeing you again Mr.Kim "

"Nice to see you again as well " Tae shook his hand and smiles .

"Shall we began "Dr.Kim asked "Y-yes sir"Jimin answers "Today is not the first day of session Jimin ,We'll be doing exercises and things to bring you out of your comfort zone and many more ,I know you like why do we need that, well we need it to help you fight back to whatever is hurting you "Dr.Kim lookes up at jimin .

"Mr.Park I'm here to get to the bottom of your mysterious behavior ,So you will be living with your brother for a year of session " Dr.Kim said while seating back and grabbing a box of tissues and sitting them in front of Jimin ,Just looking at the box made Jimin want to cry .

"A-a year ,You said two weeks tae" Jimin snapped ,All Dr.Kim did was write notes "Maybe I wanted you to say longer than I said "Tae smiles while scratching the back of his head

Dr. Kim looked Jimin up and down from head go toe and stops at jimins skirt and swallow thickly and wrote more notes .

"Mr. Kim is it okay with you to step out and wait till I'm finished "Tae hesitated and looked like he didn't want to leave Jimin "Don't worry it's only warm ups today, Please help your self in our care taking room downstairs ,Kerry will take you there" .

"Please don't leave Tae "Jimin begged "Jimin you'll be okay ,Hey look at me he's not going find out "Tae kissed jimin's cheek and walked out where Kerry was waiting .

It went silent once the door closed ,Jimin looked down at his skirt he was wearing trying his best to cover his thighs with his hands ,Namjoon noticed and wrote more notes.

"So Jimin I'm going to ask you some easy and simple questions "Namjoon smiles ,His eyes trailed back down to jimins thighs and licks his lips, he gets up and unbutton his jacket and hands it to Jimin.

"Here take it ,Its for your legs "Namjoon sits once Jimin takes the jacket "So these questions only need a yes or no answer "Namjoon looks at jimin before he starts .

" Does this thing or person hurts you everyday"


"Do you want to escape from this thing or person "


"Is this painfully nightmare Male of Female"


"Are you in a relationship with this male"


"Do you remember everything that happens on painfully night with this male "

"Y-y-yes " Began to get teary eyes but tried to hold them back .

"Is this male abusing you "

"Y-y-yes"Jimin cries

"Would you like to state this male name "

"No please don't make me " Jimin said while grabbing some tissues .

"I won't we almost never get the names of people here ,I think that's the end of the questions for today "Namjoon starts to read off of his notes .

"Tell me if I'm right or wrong ,Your getting abused by your boyfriend and you want to leave but your trapped "Namjoon looks up to see Jimin wiping his tears away .

"Yes that correct "Jimin sniffed

"One last question "Namjoon sits back in his chair and stares at jimin deeply ,Before taking a deep breathe .

"Are you scared of this male "


"Then why won't you state his name "

"Because I'm terrified "

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