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Kookie POV

Kookie pushes he phone in his pocket and grabs his drink after texting Jimin ,Kookie he sips from his cup as he move through the crowd of people and search for yoongi.

Kook couldn't find him so he started asking people ,Kookie asked like 10 people and still couldn't find him ,He tried one last time .

" Excuse me miss,Have you seen a short blonde walking around here somewhere he has black glasses on and has this huge ass ring that says SUGA on it"kookie raises his voice over the music .

The women points at a corner ,Kookie turns his head and sees yoongi getting a lap dance for a stripper that works there ,Kookie didn't like the idea of yoongi using him to lie to Jimin and Really hated that yoongi wants him to keep the secret that he's cheating on Jimin with the same stripper .

Kookie started to get annoyed ,Don't get him wrong he wants to tell Jimin so fucking bad but yoongi is his childhood friend ,Yoongi keeps his secrets and jungkook keeps he's.

Kookie walks to yoongi ,"Are you ready to go ,now"jungkook asked "No ,Loosen up kook and get you a stripper "Yoongi smiles as he holds the black haired guys waist as he grinds on him .

A stripper comes behind jungkook and rubs his back and kisses his cheek ,And softly pushes him next to yoongi and climbs onto his lap .

Then she started grinded on kook member ,Kookie looked the girl in her eyes ,The girl smirked and tried to kiss him ,Then Y/N flashed in his mind ,Kookie pushed the girl off of him and got up "Yoongi let's go now "jungkook demanded .

"Ugh fine asshole "Yoongi turned to the stripper "Call me later tonight okay " Yoongi winked at the young boy and walked to the exit ,Jungkook stared at him and his smile fades he rolls his eyes "What is it now Kookie"He says with his hand and his hip "You know he has a boyfriend "

"I don't care who that person is cause I will never meet them ,as long as Yoongi loves me I'm okay "

"Look Ray I didn't want to tell you this but Yoongi is using you "

"What are you taking about ,He would never he loves me "

"But he go home everyday and fucks  the shit out of his main boyfriend you'd never thought you was just a piece of ass to fuck on"

"N-oo I'm not, He said he loves me and only me when we was making love "

"Then why does he have you as a side Fuck Yoongi never makes love to anyone else than his main boyfriend, You and him just fuck never made love "

"N-oo your lying "ray cries

"I wish I was "Jungkook shrugged he had to do what he had to do ,As Ray runs in the bathroom and cries his eyes out ,Kookie walks out the club's and goes home

________Kook's House _______

"Baby I'm home with yoongi "Jungkook yells out to Y/N "Hey baby " Y/N kisses Jungkook ,Yoongi had a lot of respect for Y/N and jungkook relationship ,But he was drunk so he can be a huge jerk some times .

"Hey baby girl ,You look so sexy in this dress "Yoongi smirked and hold out his arms to hug Y/N ,Jungkook watches his every move "Aww thank you Yoongs "Y/N hugs yoongi ,He hugs her tightly ,Yoongi slowly slide his hands down her back near her ass ,Jungkook tenses up .

Yoongi always admired Y/N ass ,Jungkook once even caught yoongi licking his lips while watching Y/N bend over to get something out of the oven and he wasn't drunk .

Yoongi hands was on Y/N waist ,Jungkook was pissed the fuck off and blurted out "Babe I think the food is burning "jungkook nearly yells "Oh my God ,Thanks baby " Y/N kisses jungkook on the lips and walks but get snatched back by jungkook ,Kook slams his lips into her and kisses her roughly with tounge .

He breaks the kiss leaving a peck on her lips ,She smiles and walks in the kitchen ,Jungkook smacked her ass as she yelps out ,Jungkook looked at yoongi and smirked ,"Wanna play the game now" jungkook smiles .

"Yeah sure "Yoongi walks over to the couch and sits waiting for jungkook to decide in a game."What took you so long to come out the store(club) " Yoongi to not get jungkook in any trouble with his girlfriend.

"I had to using the rest room "he lied ,Yoongi shrugged

_______jimin pov______

As Jimin threw his phone on the couch ,He rubbed his fingers through his hair and goes to the restroom and takes a shower ,He blasted some music and dances and sings on the shower .

He did whatever he wanted since yoongi was gone ,Jimin was done with his shower and got dressed ,He went in the kitchen and drunk some milk straight out of the carton .

Jimin froze ,What if I go out to Jackson's house ,Or maybe my brother tae Jimin thought ,Jimin ran to his room and grabbed some shoes and the house key and went out the door .

Maknae🍼:Tae ?

Hyung👽: Yeah ?

Maknae🍼:Can I come over ?

Hyung👽: umm...Sure but Why ,Yoongi would never let you out this late .

Maknae🍼:I know but he's with Kookie so I thought I come and see you 😁.

Hyung👽: are you okay ?

Maknae🍼:I'm fine Tae 😊

Hyung👽: Okay than ,Do you need a ride ?


Hyung👽:BRT(be right there)

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