"When he Abuse me ,I feel that I need to leave ,But I feel I want to stay ,Maybe I should but I should've done that years ago "(nervous chuckle) ~ Park Jimin
"Are you ready to start the stretches "Namjoon takes off his white suit shirt and reveal a plain white T that squeezed his body quite well due to his muscles.
"We're doing Yoga today ,So here's the first pose ,And this is all professional to get you out of your nervous shell your locked in ,Kay?"Namjoon smile showing his dimple.
Jimin nods as Tae comes back with some shorts he went and got for jimin ."Thank you "Jimin said as he go put them on ,Once he was back they got started"Here the first one "namjoon showed jimin "You think you'll be able to do it ,Well go easy then harder "He explain "Yeah I got it "Jimin nods .
"Okay here we go "Namjoon puts the phone down and gets in push up position and then jimin does the same but on top of Namjoon.
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They hold for 30 seconds "Okay next" Namjoon shows jimin ,Jimin nods ,Namjoon gets I downwards Dog position and then jimin lays back on him .
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"Next "Namjoon shows jimin ,Jimin nods "You tired "Namjoon smiles "No "jimin said as they go to the next one ,The stand side by side putting their foot on their upper thigh ,And raise their arms in the air.
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"Wow two more and we're done okay ,Jesus this is harder than I thought it would be "Namjoon said as he shows the next pose .
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"Okay last one ,Then we're done for the day"Namjoon said as he wipes the sweat off of his forehead "Okay this one is a little tricky "Namjoon showed jimin .
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"Okay I sit like this ,Then you sit on my lap and do a back bend "Jimin did as told ,Once finished with 30 second ,Jimin losted balance trying to get down and fell on namjoon dick .
Namjoon groaned in pain and moaned pleasure "Oh my God ,I'm so sorry I didn't mean to "Jimin said as he helps namjoon up .
"It's okay,So do you feel a little better"Namjoon said trying to change the subject "Well yeah now that you say something about I do actually "Jimin stretches .
"That's good ,Looks like our time is up" Namjoon looks at his watch while putting his suit shirt back on "Thank you so much" Tae bowed so did jimin as they lefted .
Namjoon sits down and sighs as he looks at the calender it was Friday ,He was glad that give him time to stop thinking of jimin in dresses and skirts ,He pack his things and gets ready to go home .
"I maybe have to call Kerry and apologize if I ever want to get this boner off of me"He say to himself as he search for her contact and rushing to the car so no one can see his boner .
"You fell on his what "Hoseok yells at the news jimin and tae told him "Yeah but it was by accident"Jimin blushes "Yeah that's what they all say "Hoseok rolls his eyes ,Tae just smiles at hoseok .
Jimin couldn't believe the two still wasn't dating "Hoseok I need to talk to you about something ...Privately "Jimin said as he grabs hoseok arm and went in another room .
"Do you like Tae "Jimin asked immediately"I mean yeah he's sweet to me and he's a nice guy "Hoseok explain "No like do you love like him "Jimin smiles "Ohhhh,Yes I'm in love with Tae but I don't know if he feels the same "Hoseok plays with his fingers .
'Trust me he does ,That's why he's so nice to you "Jimin winked him ,Jimin walked back in the room with hoseok "What was the conversation about"Tae asked as he looks up from his phone "Obviously if we went out the room it wasn't meant for you to hear " Jimin snapped .