Take me away

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Tae's POV
Im still running, i don't know where I am, but I'm going to continue running until I'm dead. Suddenly I hear someone yelling my name, I think it's Jin. I stop running and just sat there crying in the middle of the street and I'm the middle of no where. "Tae, why did you run?" He lied to you, but I wasn't going to say that, "He was right I forced myself upon him." I cried softly into Jin's arms, " I'm the oldest I'm not stupid, I know he's always liked you, so there is no reason to lie for him." I look up with red swollen eyes "really" I guess I was the only one who didn't know, "yes, an besides everyone already thought y'all had a thing together anyway." I start to blush " but nothing really happened until tonight.

Meanwhile back with Kookie and everyone else.

Kookies POV
Oh my god I can't believe I made him cry, jimin walked up to me and sat next to me on a black couch" Hey why did you lie like that?" I looked at him trying to be as convincingly possible " what do you mean lie? I didn't lie" he gets a real iffy look on his face " everyone knew y'all had a thing so why did you hurt Tae like that?" I get extremely red " wait but how did everyone know?" He laughs " it's probably from the way y'all are always cuddling and making cutsie faces at each other." Omg Tae probably hates me I have to find him "I'll be back" I run out of the room and try to find Tae.

20 minutes later...
I found him " Tae I am SO SORRY" he isn't looking at me " I don't even want to here your reasoning I also don't want you speaking to me unless it's work related." My eyes start to water and so do his " Jungkook do you know how hard it was for me to tell you I liked you, plus when I kissed you that was my first kiss." I start crying so hard " please, don't leave me I'll prove I'm worthy of your love." He laughs " You don't fucking get it do you, I don't want you in my life, but you're my band member, that's the only reason and time I'll talk to you." His eyes teared up, " I'm going to prove to you I'm really sorry, even if it makes me hate you more." I looked down at the ground and then back up again " Good bye" Tae got up and walked away with out saying anything. I just sat there crying my heart out.

The next night

Tae's POV
I haven't talked or looked at jungkook since yesterday, but I guess I have to see him in a moment, then I see jungkook and jimin walked in. Oh my god I want to talk to him, I want to tell him things, I want to kiss his beautifully soft lips, but I'm not going to, "hey Jimin" they looked at me and I walked away, I hear jungkook " I feel really bad and I'm going to make it up tonight I'm telling you jimin." I walk away and laugh, he's never going to make it up to me unless he does that one thing that I want, but i know he won't do it.

1 1/2 hours later, currently preforming

Kookies POV

I do a quick glance at Tae, " I have something to tell you guys." The crowd screams the loudest they ever have before " Tae will you come here." Tae walks to me slowly and shaky " yes" he looks so nervous it's cute " I wanted to tell y'all that..."he got even more nervous " Jungkook what are you doing?" He whispered, I smile " I want y'all to know I'm in love with Tae, and I was hoping he'll love me too, so what do you say?" The crowd screams and Tae starts to cry and ultimately I start crying too " I love you too!" He hugged me and I whisper " I'm sorry, I'll never hurt you again, I promise." He whispers back " It's fine, and you better not Jin will kick your ass if you do." We both laugh. "BOOOOOO" what why are they screaming that. Don't t they want us happy.


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