two: minors

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hi. thank u to everyone who read chapter one, even though it's not a lot i'm going to continue writing it because it's a lot of fun. :)


"A 96!" Peter exclaims.

"A 96!?" MJ repeats, dumbfounded.


"That's insane! You did that well just by reading the textbook?"


The school day had gone by quickly, with Peter acing his history test. He had done so well, it brought his 54% average up to a 60%, and even though it was a low D, it was passing— And that meant MJ wouldn't be forced to kick him off of the team. She beams, and Peter wraps her in a hug.

"We have to celebrate," MJ pushes Peter off of her, but she plays it cool, like she always does. Peter doesn't even notice the uncomfortable look on her face until after it's gone. By then, it's too late to apologize.

"What do you mean? Like, a party? I don't really think that's necessary. I ace tests all the time. Not history tests, but they're still tests."

"No. I'll surprise you. Dress nice— Not too nice, but not like you're dressed right now."

"What's wrong with how I'm dressed right now?"

MJ laughs. "You know what I mean. I'll pick you up whenever, just text me." She begins to head off in a separate direction.

"Wait! Does this mean we're friends?" Peter calls after her. She just flips him off without turning around.

Peter suddenly freaks. He questions whether MJ just asked him on a date, or if she just wants to be nice to him because of his high test score. There's literally no way to tell with her. Peter leans towards the second option, but besides the her-helping-him study bit, MJ has never been nice to anyone.

He web-slings home as fast as his arms can carry him, and practically dives into his closet. This was too fancy, that was too casual. It would be so helpful if he knew where they were going, but it doesn't matter now. After spending what felt like an eternity in his closet constructing different outfits, Peter decides on a dark colored collared shirt and khaki pants. He supposes that it's casual, but it's the best he can do. Sending a text to MJ telling her that he's ready, he flops down on the couch as Aunt May walks in the door.

"Hi, Aunt May. How was work?" Peter asks.

"Work was good, how was school?"

"Pretty good. I'm passing history."

"Glad to hear it! I never really doubted that you could." Aunt May smiles, putting her purse on the counter. "You look dressed up. Are you going on a date?"

"What?! No. Do I look too nice?"

"I don't think there is a thing as too nice. Who's the lucky girl?"

Peter groans, giving May a look of annoyance.

"Lucky guy?"

"No—! Aunt May, I'm not going on a date. I'm going out with MJ to celebrate getting an A on my test."

"Oh! Why didn't you say so?"

"Well, I don't exactly know where we're going."

"MJ seems to be responsible, it will be fine. Just make sure you get back at a reasonable hour, please!"

"Of course."

Peter's phone then dings with a text from MJ telling him that she's outside waiting.

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